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Facile Preparation of BiOCl/ZnO Heterostructure with Oxygen‐Rich Vacancies and Its Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-11 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.201902964
Xingqi Liu 1 , Haiming Xu 1 , Dongya Li 2 , Zhongwei Zou 1 , Dongsheng Xia 1, 2

Photocatalysis is an effective technique for degrading contaminants, however, its effect is inhibited by the high recombination rate of photo‐induced carriers in the photocatalyst. Therefore, this drawback can be overcome by defect engineering (such as oxygen vacancies) and heterostructure, which can expand light response as well as promote the separation and migration of photo‐induced carriers. Herein, BiOCl/ZnO nanocomposite was successfully synthesized by microwave strategy. Experimental results indicated that tetracycline hydrochloride (TC‐HCl, 100 mg/L) was decomposed 90% in 60 min by BiOCl/ZnO heterostructure under visible light, which is 3.34 and 1.08 times higher than that of pristine BiOCl and ZnO, respectively. Various characterizations demonstrated that oxygen vacancy and heterostructures not only extend the light response range but also improve the separation and migration efficiency of photo‐induced carriers, and thereby BiOCl/ZnO heterostructure exhibit excellent photocatalytic performance under vis‐light. This work paves a new way to decorate wide band gap photocatalyst by point defect and heterostructures, and provides a good reference for its application.


富氧空位轻松制备BiOCl / ZnO异质结构及其增强的光催化性能

光催化是一种降解污染物的有效技术,但是,由于光诱导载体在光催化剂中的高重组率,其作用受到抑制。因此,可以通过缺陷工程(例如氧空位)和异质结构来克服此缺陷,它们可以扩展光响应并促进光诱导载流子的分离和迁移。本文通过微波策略成功合成了BiOCl / ZnO纳米复合材料。实验结果表明,BiOCl / ZnO异质结构在可见光下于60分钟内将四环素盐酸盐(TC-HCl,100 mg / L)分解了90%,分别是原始BiOCl和ZnO的3.34和1.08倍。各种特征表明,氧空位和异质结构不仅扩展了光响应范围,而且提高了光诱导载流子的分离和迁移效率,因此BiOCl / ZnO异质结构在可见光下表现出出色的光催化性能。这项工作为通过点缺陷和异质结构装饰宽带隙光催化剂开辟了一条新途径,并为其应用提供了很好的参考。