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Impact of Fixed Nitrogen Availability on Dehalococcoides mccartyi Reductive Dechlorination Activity.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04463
Devrim Kaya 1, 2 , Birthe V Kjellerup 2 , Karuna Chourey , Robert L Hettich , Dora M Taggart 3 , Frank E Löffler 1

Biostimulation to promote reductive dechlorination is widely practiced, but the value of adding an exogenous nitrogen (N) source (e.g., NH4+) during treatment is unclear. This study investigates the effect of NH4+ availability on organohalide-respiring Dehalococcoides mccartyi (Dhc) growth and reductive dechlorination in enrichment cultures derived from groundwater (PW4) and river sediment (TC) impacted with chlorinated ethenes. In PW4 cultures, the addition of NH4+ increased cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE)-to-ethene dechlorination rates about 5-fold (20.6 ± 1.6 versus 3.8 ± 0.5 μM Cl- d-1), and the total number of Dhc 16S rRNA gene copies were about 43-fold higher in incubations with NH4+ ((1.8 ± 0.9) × 108 mL-1) compared to incubations without NH4+ ((4.1 ± 0.8) × 107 mL-1). In TC cultures, NH4+ also stimulated cDCE-to-ethene dechlorination and Dhc growth. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) revealed that Cornell-type Dhc capable of N2 fixation dominated PW4 cultures without NH4+, but their relative abundance decreased in cultures with NH4+ amendment (i.e., 99 versus 54% of total Dhc). Pinellas-type Dhc incapable of N2 fixation were responsible for cDCE dechlorination in TC cultures, and diazotrophic community members met their fixed N requirement in the medium without NH4+. Responses to NH4+ were apparent at the community level, and N2-fixing bacterial populations increased in incubations without NH4+. Quantitative assessment of Dhc nitrogenase genes, transcripts, and proteomics data linked Cornell-type Dhc nifD and nifK expression with fixed N limitation. NH4+ additions also demonstrated positive effects on Dhc in situ dechlorination activity in the vicinity of well PW4. These findings demonstrate that biostimulation with NH4+ can enhance Dhc reductive dechlorination rates; however, a "do nothing" approach that relies on indigenous diazotrophs can achieve similar dechlorination end points and avoids the potential for stalled dechlorination due to inhibitory levels of NH4+ or transformation products (i.e., nitrous oxide).



促进还原性脱氯的生物刺激已被广泛实践,但是在治疗过程中添加外源氮(N)源(例如NH4 +)的价值尚不清楚。这项研究调查了NH4 +的可用性对来自受氯乙烯影响的地下水(PW4)和河流沉积物(TC)的富集培养物中呼吸有机卤化物的脱卤代球藻(Dhc)生长和还原性脱氯的影响。在PW4培养物中,NH4 +的添加使顺式1,2,2-二氯乙烯(cDCE)-乙烯的脱氯速率增加了约5倍(20.6±1.6对3.8±0.5μMCl- d-1),并且与没有NH4 +的孵育((4.1±0.8)×107 mL-1)相比,与NH4 +的孵育((1.8±0.9)×108 mL-1),Dhc 16S rRNA基因拷贝高约43倍。在TC文化中 NH4 +还刺激了cDCE-乙烯的脱氯和Dhc的生长。定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)显示,具有N2固定能力的康奈尔型Dhc在没有NH4 +的PW4培养物中占主导地位,但在有NH4 +修饰的培养物中它们的相对丰度降低了(即,总Dhc的99%对54%)。不能固定N2的Pinellas型Dhc导致TC培养中的cDCE脱氯,重氮营养族成员在没有NH4 +的培养基中达到了固定的N要求。在社区水平上对NH4 +的反应很明显,在没有NH4 +的温育条件下,固定N2的细菌数量会增加。Dhc固氮酶基因,转录本和蛋白质组学数据的定量评估将康奈尔型Dhc nifD和nifK表达与固定的N限制联系在一起。NH4 +的添加对PW4井附近的Dhc原位脱氯活性也显示出积极的影响。这些发现表明,用NH4 +进行生物刺激可以提高Dhc的还原性脱氯速率。但是,依靠本地重氮营养菌的“不采取任何措施”方法可以达到类似的脱氯终点,并避免了由于抑制的NH4 +或转化产物(即一氧化二氮)而导致的脱氯停滞的可能性。