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Detection of Phosphate in Human Blood Based on a Catalytic Hydrogen Wave at a Molybdenum Phosphide Modified Electrode
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03862
Jinxuan Zhang 1 , Yixuan Bian 1 , Di Liu 1 , Zhiwei Zhu 1 , Yuanhua Shao 1 , Meixian Li 1

Detection of inorganic phosphate is very important in environmental and health care applications. In this work, we found that phenomenon similar to “catalytic hydrogen wave” occurred on a molybdenum phosphide (MoP) modified electrode in the presence of phosphate, that is, a new wave of catalytic hydrogen evolution appeared before the normal hydrogen evolution reaction. The catalytic hydrogen wave arose from a structure similar to phosphomolybdic acid (noted as MoPO), which was formed by the interaction between phosphate and molybdenum oxides on the surface of the MoP modified electrode, resulting in the altered surface structure and adjusted interface catalytic activity. A novel phosphate electrochemical sensor was constructed based on this phenomenon with a linear range from 0.10 to 20.0 mmol·L–1, an actually determined minimum concentration of 0.030 mmol·L–1, and recoveries of 94%–107%, and this sensor was successfully applied to the detection of phosphate in human blood. Furthermore, this work proposes a new sensing method based on catalytic hydrogen waves on the modified electrodes.



无机磷酸盐的检测在环境和医疗保健应用中非常重要。在这项工作中,我们发现在磷酸盐存在下,磷化钼(MoP)修饰电极上发生了类似于“催化氢波”的现象,即在正常的氢释放反应之前出现了新的催化氢释放波。催化氢波是由类似于磷钼酸(称为MoPO)的结构产生的,该结构是由MoP修饰电极表面上的磷酸盐和氧化钼之间的相互作用形成的,从而导致表面结构发生变化并调整了界面催化活性。基于这种现象,构建了一种新型的磷酸盐电化学传感器,其线性范围为0.10至20.0mmol·L –1,实际测定的最低浓度为0.030mmol·L –1,回收率为94%–107%,该传感器已成功应用于人体血液中磷酸盐的检测。此外,这项工作提出了一种基于修饰电极上的催化氢波的新传感方法。