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CO2 Capture on Functionalized Calixarenes: A Computational Study
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b08670
John H. Hymel 1 , Jacob Townsend 1 , Konstantinos D. Vogiatzis 1

High carbon emissions have shown a strong correlation with rising global temperatures as the world’s climate undergoes a dramatic shift. Work to mitigate the potential damage using materials such as metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), and polymer membranes (PMs) has proven successful in small-scale approaches; however, research is still being performed to enhance the capabilities of these materials for use at an industrial scale. One strategy for increasing performance is to embed these materials with CO2-philic molecules, which enhance selective binding over other gases. Calixarenes are promising candidates due to their large chalice shape, which allows for the possibility to bind multiple CO2 molecules per site. In this study, a dataset including 40 functionalized calixarene structures and one unfunctionalized (bare) calixarene was constructed with an automated, high-throughput structure generation through directed modifications to a molecular scaffold. A conformational search based on molecular mechanics allowed the faster determination of optimal binding energies for a vast array of chemical functional groups with less computational effort. Density functional theory and symmetry-adapted perturbation theory calculations were performed for the exploration of their interactions with CO2. Our work has identified new organic cages with increased CO2-philicity. In four cases, CO2 binding is stronger than 9.0 kcal/mol and very close to the targets set by previous studies. The nature of the noncovalent interactions for these cases is analyzed and discussed. Conclusions from this study can aid synthetic efforts for the next generation of functional materials.


功能化杯芳烃上的CO 2捕集:一项计算研究

随着全球气候的急剧变化,高碳排放与全球气温的升高呈现出很强的相关性。事实证明,使用金属有机骨架(MOF),共价有机骨架(COF)和聚合物膜(PMs)等材料来减轻潜在损害的努力已获得成功;然而,仍在进行研究以增强这些材料在工业规模上的使用能力。提高性能的一种策略是将这些材料嵌入亲CO 2分子中,从而增强对其他气体的选择性结合。杯形芳烃由于其较大的圣杯形状而成为有前途的候选物,这使得可以结合多个CO 2每个位点的分子。在这项研究中,构建了一个数据集,其中包括40个功能化的杯芳烃结构和一个未功能化的(裸露的)杯芳烃,并通过对分子支架的定向修饰自动生成高通量结构。基于分子力学的构象搜索可以更快地确定大量化学官能团的最佳结合能,而所需的计算工作却更少。为了探索它们与CO 2的相互作用,进行了密度泛函理论和对称适应的扰动理论计算。我们的工作已经确定了增加了CO 2亲和力的新有机笼子。在四种情况下,CO 2结合力强于9.0 kcal / mol,非常接近先前研究设定的目标。分析和讨论了这些情况下非共价相互作用的性质。这项研究的结论可以帮助下一代功能材料的合成努力。