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Efficient Dehydration of C6–10-α,ω-Alkanediols to Alkadienes as Catalyzed by Aliphatic Acids
ACS Omega ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02799 Chongzhi Mao , Shaodong Zhou , Chao Qian , Jiancheng Ruan , Xinzhi Chen
ACS Omega ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02799 Chongzhi Mao , Shaodong Zhou , Chao Qian , Jiancheng Ruan , Xinzhi Chen
The aliphatic-acid-mediated dehydration of C6–10-α,ω-alkanediols to alkadienes proceeds in a stepwise manner: C6–10-α,ω-alkanediols react with aliphatic acids first to generate diesters; subsequent pyrolysis of the latter produces alkadienes. The highest yields of 1,5-hexadiene, 1,7-octadiene, and 1,9-decadiene were up to 70.3, 74.8, and 90.3%, respectively. It turned out that pyrolysis favors the diester with a longer carbon chain more, while acetic acid outperformed the other aliphatic acids in the pyrolysis step that a relatively lower temperature was enough for a high yield of alkadienes.
脂肪酸催化将C 6-10 -α,ω-烷二醇有效脱水为烷二烯
脂族酸介导的C 6-10 -α,ω-链烷二醇脱水成链状二烯的过程是逐步进行的:C 6-10 -α,ω-链烷二醇先与脂肪酸反应生成二酯。随后的后者的热解产生链二烯。1,5-己二烯,1,7-辛二烯和1,9-癸二烯的最高收率分别达到70.3%,74.8%和90.3%。结果表明,热解更有利于具有更长碳链的二酯,而乙酸在热解步骤中的表现优于其他脂肪族酸,因为相对较低的温度足以获得高产率的链二烯。
脂肪酸催化将C 6-10 -α,ω-烷二醇有效脱水为烷二烯
脂族酸介导的C 6-10 -α,ω-链烷二醇脱水成链状二烯的过程是逐步进行的:C 6-10 -α,ω-链烷二醇先与脂肪酸反应生成二酯。随后的后者的热解产生链二烯。1,5-己二烯,1,7-辛二烯和1,9-癸二烯的最高收率分别达到70.3%,74.8%和90.3%。结果表明,热解更有利于具有更长碳链的二酯,而乙酸在热解步骤中的表现优于其他脂肪族酸,因为相对较低的温度足以获得高产率的链二烯。