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Phosphate acts directly on the calcium-sensing receptor to stimulate parathyroid hormone secretion.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12399-9
Patricia P Centeno 1 , Amanda Herberger 2 , Hee-Chang Mun 3 , Chialing Tu 2 , Edward F Nemeth 4 , Wenhan Chang 2 , Arthur D Conigrave 3 , Donald T Ward 1

Extracellular phosphate regulates its own renal excretion by eliciting concentration-dependent secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH). However, the phosphate-sensing mechanism remains unknown and requires elucidation for understanding the aetiology of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease (CKD). The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is the main controller of PTH secretion and here we show that raising phosphate concentration within the pathophysiologic range for CKD significantly inhibits CaSR activity via non-competitive antagonism. Mutation of residue R62 in anion binding site-1 abolishes phosphate-induced inhibition of CaSR. Further, pathophysiologic phosphate concentrations elicit rapid and reversible increases in PTH secretion from freshly-isolated human parathyroid cells consistent with a receptor-mediated action. The same effect is seen in wild-type murine parathyroid glands, but not in CaSR knockout glands. By sensing moderate changes in extracellular phosphate concentration, the CaSR represents a phosphate sensor in the parathyroid gland, explaining the stimulatory effect of phosphate on PTH secretion.



细胞外磷酸盐通过引起甲状旁腺激素 (PTH) 的浓度依赖性分泌来调节其自身的肾脏排泄。然而,磷酸盐传感机制仍然未知,需要阐明以了解慢性肾脏病 (CKD) 继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进的病因。钙敏感受体 (CaSR) 是 PTH 分泌的主要控制者,在此我们表明,在 CKD 的病理生理范围内提高磷酸盐浓度可通过非竞争性拮抗作用显着抑制 CaSR 活性。阴离子结合位点 1 中残基 R62 的突变消除了磷酸盐诱导的 CaSR 抑制。此外,病理生理性磷酸盐浓度引起新鲜分离的人甲状旁腺细胞中 PTH 分泌的快速和可逆增加,这与受体介导的作用一致。在野生型鼠甲状旁腺中可以看到相同的效果,但在 CaSR 敲除腺中没有。通过感知细胞外磷酸盐浓度的适度变化,CaSR 代表甲状旁腺中的磷酸盐传感器,解释了磷酸盐对 PTH 分泌的刺激作用。