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A positive attitude
The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( IF 36.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-16 , DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(19)30609-7
Chris Wortley

Tyler Rosen's feature-length documentary Doin' My Drugs records a trip made by musician Thomas Muchimba Buttenschøn to Zambia in 2015. The film documents Buttenschøn's campaign to change attitudes to HIV in his birth country through the positive power of music. Born to a Zambian mother and a Danish father who visited Zambia with a Danish NGO, Buttenschøn's family moved to Denmark before he was 1 year old. The documentary follows Buttenschøn, whose music contains elements of indie, blues, funk, and jazz, as he meets fellow Zambian activist musicians, such as Danny Kaya, John Chiti (an albino singer), B-Flow (a hip-hop artist), and the Zulu family whom he enlisted to participate in a test-for-ticket concert (free admission to those who get tested for HIV) and to record the documentary's soundtrack album. Although the film's message is sombre, it is interspersed with impromptu and engaging performances and collaborations with other musicians. Many of Buttenschøn's songs have thought-provoking lyrics, such as the song Doin' My Drugs, which features in the soundtrack. As well as his musical collaborators, ordinary Zambians and others also give their views to camera.



泰勒·罗森 (Tyler Rosen) 的长篇纪录片《Doin' My Drugs》记录了音乐家 Thomas Muchimba Buttenschøn 于 2015 年前往赞比亚的一次旅行。影片记录了 Buttenschøn 通过音乐的积极力量改变其出生国对艾滋病毒态度的运动。布滕森的母亲是赞比亚人,父亲是丹麦人,他随丹麦非政府组织访问了赞比亚,布滕森在他一岁之前就全家搬到了丹麦。这部纪录片讲述了布滕森的故事,他的音乐包含独立音乐、布鲁斯、放克和爵士乐元素,他会见了赞比亚激进音乐家,如丹尼·卡亚、约翰·奇蒂(白化病歌手)、B-Flow(嘻哈艺术家) ,以及他招募的祖鲁家庭参加一场门票测试音乐会(接受艾滋病毒测试的人免费入场)并录制纪录片的配乐专辑。尽管这部电影传达的信息是阴郁的,但其中穿插着即兴而引人入胜的表演以及与其他音乐家的合作。 Buttenschøn 的许多歌曲都有发人深省的歌词,例如原声带中的歌曲Doin' My Drugs 。除了他的音乐合作者之外,普通赞比亚人和其他人也在镜头前表达了他们的观点。