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Recent Advances in the Interrupted Nazarov Reaction
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-29 , DOI: 10.1002/adsc.201901001
Anton V. Yadykov 1 , Valerii Z. Shirinian 1

In recent decades there have been significant improvements in the efficiency of synthesis as a result of considerable progress in tandem reactions, cascade transformations and related one‐pot processes. These methodologies are less time‐consuming, more cost‐effective, and produce less waste compared to the classical stepwise protocols. The Nazarov cyclization is an important and versatile method for the synthesis of five‐membered carbocycles which are found in many natural compounds and functional molecules. Current activities in the field of the Nazarov reaction are focused on development of better catalysts, asymmetric options and increasing the efficiency of synthesis. This transformation is suitable for applying to an intensified step‐economy in interrupted versions and one‐pot protocols. Interrupted Nazarov reactions in particular take advantage of the stereospecific nature of the electrocyclization. The universality of these reactions has facilitated an access to a plethora of complex small molecules of high medicinal relevance. In this review, we present a comprehensive summary of recent advances in the interrupted Nazarov‐type cyclization, and classify these reactions according to the structure of the substrate or the reaction mechanism. This is the first review that presents a survey on various types of interrupted Nazarov cyclization and deals with the recent advances, especially using tandem/domino or one‐pot reaction strategies and covers the literature from 2009 to 2019.



近几十年来,由于串联反应,级联转化和相关的一锅法技术取得了长足的进步,合成效率有了显着提高。与传统的逐步协议相比,这些方法更省时,更具成本效益并且产生更少的浪费。纳扎罗夫环化是一种重要的,多用途的合成五元碳环的方法,这种五元碳环在许多天然化合物和功能分子中都可以发现。纳扎罗夫反应领域的当前活动集中在开发更好的催化剂,不对称选择和提高合成效率上。此转换适用于在中断版本和一站式协议中应用于增强的阶跃经济。中断的纳扎罗夫反应特别利用了电环化的立体特异性。这些反应的普遍性促进了对大量具有高度医学相关性的复杂小分子的获取。在这篇综述中,我们对中断的Nazarov型环化的最新进展进行了全面的总结,并根据底物的结构或反应机理对这些反应进行了分类。这是第一篇综述,它介绍了有关各种类型的中断的Nazarov环化的调查,并探讨了最近的进展,尤其是使用串联/多米诺或 我们对中断的Nazarov型环化的最新进展进行了全面的总结,并根据底物的结构或反应机理对这些反应进行了分类。这是第一篇综述,它介绍了有关各种类型的中断的Nazarov环化的调查,并探讨了最近的进展,尤其是使用串联/多米诺或 我们对中断的Nazarov型环化的最新进展进行了全面的总结,并根据底物的结构或反应机理对这些反应进行了分类。这是第一篇综述,它介绍了有关各种类型的中断的Nazarov环化的调查,并探讨了最近的进展,尤其是使用串联/多米诺或一锅反应策略,涵盖2009年至2019年的文献。