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They call us fellows: the challenge of gender bias in the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-14 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101619
Louise Tulloh

Last year, BJSM published the editorial ‘We need to talk about manels’1 as a foray into implicit gender discrimination within Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM). In this editorial, I seek to outline the situation for women within the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians (ACSEP) and its challenges in overcoming gender imbalance. The ACSEP has the proud reputation of developing one of the world’s first structured SEM specialist training programme and paving the way for doctors to choose SEM as a valid and recognised vocation. But it is largely a male organisation. Notably, I am the 16th president, and the first woman in that role, in a college that is 36 years old. Our 2019 gender dashboard reveals 23% of fellows, 30% of registrars and only 28% of training programme applicants are women (figure 1). Figure 1 ACSEP Gender Dashboard 2019 The numbers of women applying to train with ACSEP are not at parity. Furthermore, these numbers have plateaued. As a result of such disappointing figures, we are taking deliberate action towards gender parity. If we are to serve our …



去年,BJSM 发表了社论“我们需要谈论 manels”1,以此作为对运动和运动医学 (SEM) 内隐性性别歧视的尝试。在这篇社论中,我试图概述澳大利亚体育与运动医师学院 (ACSEP) 中女性的情况及其在克服性别失衡方面的挑战。ACSEP 以开发世界上第一个结构化 SEM 专家培训计划之一并为医生选择 SEM 作为有效且公认的职业铺平道路而享有盛誉。但它主要是一个男性组织。值得注意的是,我是 36 岁大学的第 16 任校长,也是该职位的第一位女性。我们 2019 年的性别仪表板显示,23% 的研究员、30% 的注册员和仅 28% 的培训计划申请人是女性(图 1)。图 1 ACSEP Gender Dashboard 2019 申请参加 ACSEP 培训的女性人数并不一致。此外,这些数字已经趋于平稳。由于这些令人失望的数字,我们正在为实现性别平等而采取深思熟虑的行动。如果我们要为我们的……