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Hanging meniscus rotating disk electrode: A theoretical perspective
Electrochimica Acta ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135032
Franco M. Zanotto , Manuel López Teijelo , Sergio A. Dassie

The hanging meniscus rotating disk has been proposed as a useful experimental configuration for enhancing mass transfer in electrochemical reactions mainly involving monocrystalline electrodes. Notwithstanding its common use, few authors have focused on the study of hydrodynamics in this system and its effect on mass transport. Using computational simulations based on the finite element method, a theoretical study of this configuration is presented. The effect of mass transport in the hanging meniscus on the electrochemical signal is evaluated. The reduction of the accessible electroactive area of the electrode due to the hydrodynamic conditions of the fluid near the electrode surface is presented as the explanation for the different experimentally observed phenomena. In addition, the effect of the shape of the meniscus formed on the electrochemical signal is analysed.



