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Biotransformation of androstenedione and androstadienedione by selected Ascomycota and Zygomycota fungal strains
Phytochemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2019.112160
Vyacheslav Kollerov 1 , Andrei Shutov 1 , Alexey Kazantsev 2 , Marina Donova 1

Filamentous fungi is a huge phylum of lower eukaryotes with diverse activities towards various substrates, however, their biocatalytic potential towards steroids remains greatly underestimated. In this study, more than forty Ascomycota and Zygomycota fungal strains of 23 different genera were screened for the ability to catalyze structural modifications of 3-oxo-androstane steroids, - androst-4-ene-3,17-dione (AD) and androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (ADD). Previously unexplored for these purposes strains of Absidia, Acremonium, Beauveria, Cunninghamella, Doratomyces, Drechslera, Fusarium, Gibberella genera were revealed capable of producing in a good yield valuable 7α-, 7β-, 11α- and 14α-hydroxylated derivatives, as well as 17β-reduced and 1(2)-dehydrogenated androstanes. The bioconversion routes of AD and ADD were proposed based on the key intermediates identification and time courses of the bioprocesses. Six ascomycete strains were discovered to provide effective 7β-hydroxylation of ADD which has not been so far reported. The structures of major products and intermediates were confirmed by HPLC, mass-spectrometry (MS), 1H and 13C NMR analyses. The results contribute to the knowledge on the functional diversity of steroid-transforming filamentous fungi. Previously unexplored fungal biocatalysts capable of effective performing structural modification of AD and ADD can be applied for industrial bioprocesses of new generation.



丝状真菌是一个巨大的低等真核生物门,对各种底物具有多种活性,然而,它们对类固醇的生物催化潜力仍然被大大低估。在这项研究中,筛选了 23 个不同属的 40 多个子囊菌和接合菌真菌菌株催化 3-氧代-雄甾烷类固醇、-androst-4-ene-3,17-dione (AD) 和雄甾烷结构修饰的能力-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (ADD)。先前未为这些目的探索过的苦艾菌属、枝顶孢属、白僵菌属、Cunninghamella、Doratomyces、Drechslera、Fusarium、Gibberella 属的菌株能够高产地生产有价值的 7α-、7β-、11α- 和 14α-羟基化衍生物,以及17β-还原和 1(2)-脱氢雄甾烷。基于生物过程的关键中间体鉴定和时间过程,提出了AD和ADD的生物转化路线。发现六种子囊菌菌株可提供有效的 ADD 7β-羟基化,迄今为止尚未报道。主要产品和中间体的结构通过 HPLC、质谱 (MS)、1H 和 13C NMR 分析确认。结果有助于了解类固醇转化丝状真菌的功能多样性。以前未开发的能够有效进行 AD 和 ADD 结构修饰的真菌生物催化剂可应用于新一代工业生物过程。主要产品和中间体的结构通过 HPLC、质谱 (MS)、1H 和 13C NMR 分析确认。结果有助于了解类固醇转化丝状真菌的功能多样性。以前未开发的能够有效进行 AD 和 ADD 结构修饰的真菌生物催化剂可应用于新一代工业生物过程。主要产品和中间体的结构通过 HPLC、质谱 (MS)、1H 和 13C NMR 分析确认。结果有助于了解类固醇转化丝状真菌的功能多样性。以前未开发的能够有效进行 AD 和 ADD 结构修饰的真菌生物催化剂可应用于新一代工业生物过程。