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TCF-1-Centered Transcriptional Network Drives an Effector versus Exhausted CD8 T Cell-Fate Decision.
Immunity ( IF 25.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.09.013
Zeyu Chen 1 , Zhicheng Ji 2 , Shin Foong Ngiow 1 , Sasikanth Manne 1 , Zhangying Cai 1 , Alexander C Huang 3 , John Johnson 4 , Ryan P Staupe 1 , Bertram Bengsch 1 , Caiyue Xu 5 , Sixiang Yu 6 , Makoto Kurachi 1 , Ramin S Herati 3 , Laura A Vella 7 , Amy E Baxter 1 , Jennifer E Wu 1 , Omar Khan 1 , Jean-Christophe Beltra 1 , Josephine R Giles 1 , Erietta Stelekati 1 , Laura M McLane 1 , Chi Wai Lau 1 , Xiaolu Yang 6 , Shelley L Berger 5 , Golnaz Vahedi 8 , Hongkai Ji 2 , E John Wherry 9

TCF-1 is a key transcription factor in progenitor exhausted CD8 T cells (Tex). Moreover, this Tex cell subset mediates responses to PD-1 checkpoint pathway blockade. However, the role of the transcription factor TCF-1 in early fate decisions and initial generation of Tex cells is unclear. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and lineage tracing identified a TCF-1+Ly108+PD-1+ CD8 T cell population that seeds development of mature Tex cells early during chronic infection. TCF-1 mediated the bifurcation between divergent fates, repressing development of terminal KLRG1Hi effectors while fostering KLRG1Lo Tex precursor cells, and PD-1 stabilized this TCF-1+ Tex precursor cell pool. TCF-1 mediated a T-bet-to-Eomes transcription factor transition in Tex precursors by promoting Eomes expression and drove c-Myb expression that controlled Bcl-2 and survival. These data define a role for TCF-1 in early-fate-bifurcation-driving Tex precursor cells and also identify PD-1 as a protector of this early TCF-1 subset.


以 TCF-1 为中心的转录网络驱动效应器与耗尽 CD8 T 细胞的命运决定。

TCF-1 是祖细胞耗尽的 CD8 T 细胞 (Tex) 中的关键转录因子。此外,该 Tex 细胞亚群介导对 PD-1 检查点通路阻断的反应。然而,转录因子 TCF-1 在 Tex 细胞早期命运决定和初始生成中的作用尚不清楚。单细胞 RNA 测序 (scRNA-seq) 和谱系追踪鉴定出 TCF-1+Ly108+PD-1+ CD8 T 细胞群,该细胞群在慢性感染早期为成熟 Tex 细胞的发育提供种子。TCF-1 介导不同命运之间的分歧,抑制末端 KLRG1Hi 效应子的发育,同时培养 KLRG1Lo Tex 前体细胞,而 PD-1 稳定了该 TCF-1+ Tex 前体细胞库。TCF-1 通过促进 Eomes 表达并驱动控制 Bcl-2 和存活的 c-Myb 表达来介导 Tex 前体中的 T-bet-to-Eomes 转录因子转变。这些数据定义了 TCF-1 在早期命运分叉驱动 Tex 前体细胞中的作用,并确定 PD-1 作为该早期 TCF-1 子集的保护者。