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Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Negatively Regulates Alarmin-Driven Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Responses.
Immunity ( IF 25.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.09.005
Antonia Wallrapp 1 , Patrick R Burkett 2 , Samantha J Riesenfeld 3 , Se-Jin Kim 2 , Elena Christian 4 , Raja-Elie E Abdulnour 5 , Pratiksha I Thakore 3 , Alexandra Schnell 1 , Conner Lambden 4 , Rebecca H Herbst 3 , Pavana Khan 5 , Kazutake Tsujikawa 6 , Ramnik J Xavier 7 , Isaac M Chiu 8 , Bruce D Levy 5 , Aviv Regev 9 , Vijay K Kuchroo 4

Neuroimmune interactions have emerged as critical modulators of allergic inflammation, and type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are an important cell type for mediating these interactions. Here, we show that ILC2s expressed both the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and its receptor. CGRP potently inhibited alarmin-driven type 2 cytokine production and proliferation by lung ILC2s both in vitro and in vivo. CGRP induced marked changes in ILC2 expression programs in vivo and in vitro, attenuating alarmin-driven proliferative and effector responses. A distinct subset of ILCs scored highly for a CGRP-specific gene signature after in vivo alarmin stimulation, suggesting CGRP regulated this response. Finally, we observed increased ILC2 proliferation and type 2 cytokine production as well as exaggerated responses to alarmins in mice lacking the CGRP receptor. Together, these data indicate that endogenous CGRP is a critical negative regulator of ILC2 responses in vivo.


降钙素基因相关肽负向调节警报素驱动的 2 型先天淋巴细胞反应。

神经免疫相互作用已成为过敏性炎症的关键调节剂,而 2 型先天淋巴细胞 (ILC2) 是介导这些相互作用的重要细胞类型。在这里,我们表明 ILC2 表达神经肽降钙素基因相关肽 (CGRP) 及其受体。在体外和体内,CGRP 均能有效抑制肺 ILC2 驱动的警报素驱动的 2 型细胞因子的产生和增殖。 CGRP 在体内和体外诱导 ILC2 表达程序发生显着变化,减弱警报素驱动的增殖和效应反应。在体内警报素刺激后,ILC 的一个独特子集在 CGRP 特异性基因特征上得分很高,表明 CGRP 调节了这种反应。最后,我们观察到缺乏 CGRP 受体的小鼠 ILC2 增殖和 2 型细胞因子产生增加,以及对警报素的过度反应。总之,这些数据表明内源性 CGRP 是体内 ILC2 反应的关键负调节因子。