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Alkali-exchanged Y zeolites as superior deacidifying protective materials for paper relics: Effects of accessibility and strength of basic sites
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.109786
Hongbin Zhang , Chunna Zhang , Zhaoqi Ye , Sinong Wang , Yi Tang

Paper is the most important writing carrier and its degradation (acidification, aging, and ink removal) is a major issue in the protection of cultural heritage. In this work, we first propose alkali ion-exchanged Y zeolites (Ae-Y) as superior deacidification agents for paper. Their features such as the high surface area, adjustable alkali ion content, strength, good structural stability, and safety/non-toxicity or biocompatibility are very promising for preserving paper-based materials, as demonstrated by aging experiments carried out on both historical wood-pulp paper and modern hand-made bamboo paper samples. Through H2O-mediated dispersion of Ae-Y in target paper samples, the pH of the paper can be modified to a neutral or weakly basic state, and can be maintained for a long time even under harsh accelerated aging conditions. Meanwhile, the Ae-Y coating hardly alters the chromatic aberration and water wettability of papers. This new deacidifying agent does not trigger color changes in alkali-sensitive pigments (i.e., does not cause fading or blanching of pigments). Moreover, a systematic evaluation of the structure-performance relationship indicates the important roles of adequate accessible basic sites and controllable and mild basicity of Ae-Y in the long-term deacidification, anti-aging, and anti-fading effects exerted on paper relics. These findings not only shed light on the design of protective materials for paper-based cultural relics but also expand our knowledge on the deacidification and protection mechanisms of zeolites.



纸是最重要的书写载体,其降解(酸化,老化和除墨)是保护文化遗产的主要问题。在这项工作中,我们首先提出碱金属离子交换Y沸石(Ae-Y)作为纸张的优良脱酸剂。它们的特性,例如高表面积,可调节的碱金属离子含量,强度,良好的结构稳定性以及安全/无毒或生物相容性,对于保存纸基材料非常有前途,正如对两种历史木材进行的老化实验所证明的那样。纸浆纸和现代手工竹纸样品。通过H 2通过O介导的Ae-Y在目标纸样品中的分散,可以将纸的pH值修改为中性或弱碱性状态,即使在苛刻的加速老化条件下也可以长时间保持。同时,Ae-Y涂层几乎不会改变纸张的色差和水润湿性。这种新的脱酸剂不会触发对碱敏感的颜料的颜色变化(即不会引起颜料的褪色或变白)。此外,对结构-性能关系的系统评价表明,充足的可利用的碱性位点以及Ae-Y的可控和适度碱度在长期作用于纸质遗迹的除酸,抗老化和抗褪色作用中起着重要的作用。
