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Heavy Mn2+ Doped MgAl2O4 Phosphor for High‐Efficient Near‐Infrared Light‐Emitting Diode and the Night‐Vision Application
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.201901105
Enhai Song 1 , Xingxing Jiang 2 , Yayun Zhou 1 , Zheshuai Lin 2 , Shi Ye 1 , Zhiguo Xia 1 , Qinyuan Zhang 1

Photoluminescence originated from doped activators in the solid state materials usually faces the challenge of concentration quenching, restricting the further increase of photoluminescence intensity. Herein, a new strategy is demonstrated by the heavy doping Mn2+ into MgAl2O4, leading to the broad‐band near‐infrared (NIR) emission peaking at ≈825 nm with a full width at half maximum of ≈125 nm, as well as high internal quantum efficiency of ≈53% upon 450 nm laser excitation. Density functional theory calculation and extend X‐ray absorption fine structure provide a understanding of Al3+/Mn2+ disorder and Mn2+–Mn2+ aggregation in spinel Mg1–xAl2O4:xMn2+ with high Mn2+ content, which enables the formation of superexchange coupled IVMn2+VIMn2+ pair. The NIR light‐emitting diodes fabricated by the 450 nm blue chip and Mg0.50Al2O4:0.50Mn2+ phosphor gives a high NIR output power of ≈78.41 mW under a driven current of 120 mA, and night‐vision application as light source in the dark is demonstrated. This work opens new paths for rational design of efficient broad‐band NIR emitting phosphor, and also provides new insights into the Mn2+ luminescence and the applications.


用于高效近红外发光二极管的重掺杂Mn2 +的MgAl2O4荧光粉和夜视应用

固态材料中源自掺杂活化剂的光致发光通常面临浓度猝灭的挑战,从而限制了光致发光强度的进一步提高。在此,通过向MgAl 2 O 4中重掺杂Mn 2+,证明了一种新的策略,从而导致宽带近红外(NIR)发射峰在≈825nm处达到峰值,全宽在≈125nm处达到一半。以及在450 nm激光激发下的高内部量子效率≈53%。密度泛函理论计算和扩展X射线吸收精细结构提供了对尖晶石Mg 1-x中Al 3+ / Mn 2+无序和Mn 2+ -Mn 2+聚集的理解的Al 2 ø 4X的Mn 2+与高Mn 2+含量,这使超交换的形成耦合IV的Mn 2+ - VI的Mn 2+对。由450 nm蓝芯片和Mg 0.50 Al 2 O 4:0.50Mn 2+荧光粉制成的NIR发光二极管在120 mA的驱动电流下可提供≈78.41mW的高NIR输出功率,可用于夜视应用演示了黑暗中的光源。这项工作为合理设计有效的宽带NIR发射磷光体开辟了新途径,也为Mn 2+提供了新的见解。 发光及其应用。