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Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Cattle Production via Cost-Effective Manure Management Techniques in China
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04284
Nannan Zhang 1, 2 , Zhaohai Bai 1 , Wilfried Winiwarter 3, 4 , Stewart Ledgard 5 , Jiafa Luo 5 , Juan Liu 1, 2 , Yongqing Guo 1, 6 , Lin Ma 1

This study analyzed ammonia reduction potential and related costs and benefits of several ammonia emission reduction technologies applicable for dairy production from cattle in China. Specifically, these included diet manipulation, manure acidification, manure/slurry covers, and solid manure compaction. Ammonia emissions for China were estimated using the GAINS and NUFER models, while mitigation potentials of technologies were determined from laboratory studies. Ammonia reduction potentials from dairy production in China ranged from 0.8 to 222 Gg NH3 year–1 for the selected technologies. Implementation costs ranged from a savings of US$15 kg–1 NH3 abated to an expenditure of US$45 kg–1 NH3 abated, while the total implementation costs varied from a savings of US$1.5 billion in 2015 to an expenditure of a similar size. The best NH3 reduction technology was manure acidification, while the most cost-effective option was diet optimization with lower crude protein input. For most abatement options, material costs were the critical element of overall costs. The fertilizer value of manure could partly offset the implementation cost of the options tested. Furthermore, benefits due to avoided health damage, as a result of reducing NH3 emissions, could make all abatement options (except for manure compaction) profitable on the scale of a national economy.