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Inadequate Folic Acid Intake Among Women Taking Antiepileptic Drugs During Pregnancy in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-49782-x
Yasuko Ikeda-Sakai 1 , Yoshiyuki Saito 1 , Taku Obara 2, 3, 4 , Mikako Goto 5 , Tami Sengoku 1 , Yoshimitsu Takahashi 1 , Hiromi Hamada 6 , Takeo Nakayama 1 , Atsuko Murashima 5, 7

This study aimed to assess characteristics of pregnant women taking antiepileptic drugs with inadequate folic acid intake. This cross-sectional study examined pregnant women taking antiepileptic drugs who were registered in the Japanese Drug Information Institute in Pregnancy (JDIIP) database between October 2005 and December 2016. Participants were classified into two groups according to when they started folic acid supplementation (before pregnancy: 'adequate', after pregnancy or never: 'inadequate'). Logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate factors associated with inadequate folic acid intake. Of 12,794 registrants, 468 pregnant women were taking antiepileptics during the first trimester. Of these, we analysed data from 456 women who had no missing data. As a result, inadequate folic acid intake was noted among 83.3% of them, suggesting that the current level of folic acid intake is insufficient overall. Younger age, smoking, alcohol drinking, multiparity, unplanned pregnancy, and being prescribed AEDs by paediatric or psychiatric departments were independent factors associated with inadequate folic acid intake. As planned pregnancy was the strongest factor, healthcare professionals should ensure that childbearing women taking antiepileptics are informed of the importance of planned pregnancy. In addition, healthcare professionals must gain a better understanding of folic acid intake, as the prevalence of adequate intake differed according to which departments prescribed antiepileptic drugs.



本研究旨在评估服用抗癫痫药物但叶酸摄入不足的孕妇的特征。这项横断面研究对 2005 年 10 月至 2016 年 12 月期间在日本妊娠药物信息研究所 (JDIIP) 数据库中注册的服用抗癫痫药物的孕妇进行了调查。参与者根据开始补充叶酸的时间(怀孕前)分为两组:“足够”,怀孕后或从未:“不足”)。进行逻辑回归分析以调查与叶酸摄入不足相关的因素。在 12,794 名注册者中,有 468 名孕妇在妊娠前三个月服用抗癫痫药。其中,我们分析了 456 名没有缺失数据的女性的数据。结果,83.3%的人叶酸摄入不足,表明目前叶酸摄入水平总体不足。年龄较小、吸烟、饮酒、多产、意外怀孕以及儿科或精神科开出 AED 是与叶酸摄入不足相关的独立因素。由于计划怀孕是最重要的因素,医疗保健专业人员应确保服用抗癫痫药的育龄妇女了解计划怀孕的重要性。此外,医疗保健专业人员必须更好地了解叶酸的摄入量,因为根据开具抗癫痫药物的科室的不同,叶酸摄入量是否充足的情况也有所不同。