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Genomic evidence of human selection on Vavilovian mimicry.
Nature Ecology & Evolution ( IF 13.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41559-019-0976-1
Chu-Yu Ye 1 , Wei Tang 2 , Dongya Wu 1 , Lei Jia 1 , Jie Qiu 1 , Meihong Chen 1 , Lingfeng Mao 1 , Feng Lin 1 , Haiming Xu 1 , Xiaoyue Yu 2 , Yongliang Lu 2 , Yonghong Wang 3 , Kenneth M Olsen 4 , Michael P Timko 5 , Longjiang Fan 1

Vavilovian mimicry is an evolutionary process by which weeds evolve to resemble domesticated crop plants and is thought to be the result of unintentional selection by humans. Unravelling its molecular mechanisms will extend our knowledge of mimicry and contribute to our understanding of the origin and evolution of agricultural weeds, an important component of crop biology. To this end, we compared mimetic and non-mimetic populations of Echinochloa crus-galli from the Yangtze River basin phenotypically and by genome resequencing, and we show that this weed in rice paddies has evolved a small tiller angle, allowing it to phenocopy cultivated rice at the seedling stage. We demonstrate that mimetic lines evolved from the non-mimetic population as recently as 1,000 yr ago and were subject to a genetic bottleneck, and that genomic regions containing 87 putative plant architecture-related genes (including LAZY1, a key gene controlling plant tiller angle) were under selection during the mimicry process. Our data provide genome-level evidence for the action of human selection on Vavilovian mimicry.


人类选择对 Vavilovian 拟态的基因组证据。

Vavilovian拟态是杂草进化成类似于驯化作物的进化过程,被认为是人类无意选择的结果。揭示其分子机制将扩展我们对拟态的了解,并有助于我们了解农作物生物学的重要组成部分农业杂草的起源和进化。为此,我们通过表型和基因组重测序比较了长江流域稗草的拟态和非拟态种群,我们发现稻田中的这种杂草已经进化出小分蘖角,使其能够对栽培水稻进行表型复制在苗期。我们证明模拟系从非模拟种群进化而来,直到 1000 年前,并且受到遗传瓶颈的影响,并且在模拟过程中选择了包含 87 个假定的植物结构相关基因(包括 LAZY1,一个控制植物分蘖角度的关键基因)的基因组区域。我们的数据为人类选择对 Vavilovian 拟态的作用提供了基因组水平的证据。