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The ecological impact of mineral exploitation in the Russian Arctic: A field-scale study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in permafrost-affected soils and lichens of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
Environmental Pollution ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113239
Xiaowen Ji 1 , Evgeny Abakumov 2 , Vyacheslav Polyako 3 , Xianchuan Xie 4 , Wei Dongyang 5

Forty soil and lichen samples and sixteen soil horizon samples were collected in the mining and surrounding areas of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (Russian Arctic). The positive matrix factorization (PMF) model was used for the source identification of PAHs. The results of the source identification showed that the mining activity was the major source of PAHs in the area, and that the mining influenced the surrounding natural area. The 5+6-ring PAHs were most abundant in the mining area. The lichen/soil (L/S) results showed that 2+3-ring and 4-ring PAHs could be transported by air and accumulated more in lichens than in the soil, while 5+6-ring PAHs accumulated more in the soil. Strong relationships between the quotient of soil/lichen (QSL) and Log KOA and Log PL and between the quotient of lichen/histic horizon soil and KOW were observed. In addition, hydrogeological conditions influenced the downward transport of PAHs. Particularly surprising is the discovery of the high levels of 5 + 6 rings in the permafrost table (the bottom of the active layer). One hypothesis is given that the global climate change may lead to further depth of active layer so that PAHs may migrate to the deeper permafrost. In the impact area of mining activities, the soil inventory for 5+6-ring PAHs was estimated at 0.14 ± 0.017 tons on average.



在亚马尔涅涅茨自治区(俄罗斯北极)的采矿及周边地区,收集了40个土壤和地衣样本以及16个土壤层位样本。正矩阵分解(PMF)模型用于PAHs的来源识别。来源识别结果表明,采矿活动是该地区多环芳烃的主要来源,并且采矿影响了周围的自然地区。5 + 6环多环芳烃在矿区最为丰富。地衣/土壤(L / S)结果表明,2 + 3环和4环PAHs可以通过空气运输,并且在地衣中比在土壤中积累更多,而5 + 6环PAHs在土壤中的积累更多。观察到土壤/地衣(QSL)与Log KOA和Log PL的商之间以及地衣/历史地层土壤与KOW的商之间有很强的关系。此外,水文地质条件影响了PAHs的向下运输。特别令人惊讶的是,在多年冻土表(活性层底部)中发现了高水平的5 + 6环。一种假设是,全球气候变化可能导致活动层的进一步深入,以致PAHs可能迁移至更深的永久冻土。在采矿活动的影响区域,估计5 + 6环多环芳烃的土壤存量平均为0.14±0.017吨。