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A Modular Vector Toolkit with a Tailored Set of Thermosensors To Regulate Gene Expression in Thermus thermophilus.
ACS Omega ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02107
Carlos Verdú 1 , Esther Sanchez 1 , Carmen Ortega 1 , Aurelio Hidalgo 1 , José Berenguer 1 , Mario Mencía 1

Modular plasmid architectures have shown to be a very useful resource to standardize, build, share, and compare biological parts and functional vectors, and are being applied in an increasing number of microorganisms. Here, we present a modular plasmid toolkit for Thermus thermophilus, a species considered as a workhorse for biotechnology and a model for high-temperature biology. Apart from integrating improved versions of already existing parts, we have characterized specific promoters and developed a thermosensor-based palette that restricts the expression to Thermus and, at the same time, controls protein expression in this organism in a temperature-dependent manner.



模块化质粒体系结构已被证明是标准化,构建,共享和比较生物学部分和功能载体的非常有用的资源,并且正被用于越来越多的微生物中。在这里,我们介绍了嗜热栖热菌(Thermus thermophilus)的模块化质粒工具包,该物种被认为是生物技术的主力军,也是高温生物学的模型。除了整合已有零件的改进版本外,我们还对特定启动子进行了表征,并开发了基于热传感器的调色板,该调色板将表达限制在Thermus中,同时以温度依赖性方式控制该生物体中的蛋白质表达。