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Improving cancer immunotherapy through nanotechnology.
Nature Reviews Cancer ( IF 72.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-06 , DOI: 10.1038/s41568-019-0186-9
Michael S Goldberg 1

The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to pioneers in the field of cancer immunotherapy, as the utility of leveraging a patient's coordinated and adaptive immune system to fight the patient's unique tumour has now been validated robustly in the clinic. Still, the proportion of patients who respond to immunotherapy remains modest (~15% objective response rate across indications), as tumours have multiple means of immune evasion. The immune system is spatiotemporally controlled, so therapies that influence the immune system should be spatiotemporally controlled as well, in order to maximize the therapeutic index. Nanoparticles and biomaterials enable one to program the location, pharmacokinetics and co-delivery of immunomodulatory compounds, eliciting responses that cannot be achieved upon administration of such compounds in solution. The convergence of cancer immunotherapy, nanotechnology, bioengineering and drug delivery is opportune, as each of these fields has matured independently to the point that it can now be used to complement the others substantively and rationally, rather than modestly and empirically. As a result, unmet needs increasingly can be addressed with deductive intention. This Review explores how nanotechnology and related approaches are being applied to augmenting both endogenous leukocytes and adoptively transferred ones by informing specificity, influencing localization and improving function.



2018 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予癌症免疫治疗领域的先驱者,因为利用患者的协调性和适应性免疫系统对抗患者独特的肿瘤的效用现已在临床上得到充分验证。尽管如此,对免疫治疗有反应的患者比例仍然适中(大约 15% 的客观反应率在适应症中),因为肿瘤具有多种免疫逃避手段。免疫系统是时空控制的,因此影响免疫系统的治疗也应该是时空控制的,以最大限度地提高治疗指数。纳米颗粒和生物材料使人们能够对免疫调节化合物的位置、药代动力学和共同递送进行编程,引发在溶液中施用此类化合物时无法实现的反应。癌症免疫疗法、纳米技术、生物工程和药物递送的融合是合适的,因为这些领域中的每一个都已经独立成熟到现在可以用于实质性和合理地补充其他领域,而不是适度和经验性地补充其他领域。因此,越来越多的未满足需求可以通过演绎意图来解决。本综述探讨了纳米技术和相关方法如何通过告知特异性、影响定位和改善功能来增强内源性白细胞和过继转移的白细胞。由于这些领域中的每一个都已经独立成熟,以至于现在可以用它来实质性地和理性地补充其他领域,而不是谦虚地和经验地。因此,越来越多的未满足需求可以通过演绎意图来解决。本综述探讨了纳米技术和相关方法如何通过告知特异性、影响定位和改善功能来增强内源性白细胞和过继转移的白细胞。由于这些领域中的每一个都已经独立成熟,以至于现在可以用它来实质性地和理性地补充其他领域,而不是谦虚地和经验地。因此,越来越多的未满足需求可以通过演绎意图来解决。本综述探讨了纳米技术和相关方法如何通过告知特异性、影响定位和改善功能来增强内源性白细胞和过继转移的白细胞。