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Formulation development of medicated chewing gum tablets by direct compression using the SeDeM-Diagram-Expert-System
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2019.09.003
Lisa Zieschang , Martin Klein , Nathalie Jung , Johannes Krämer , Maike Windbergs

Medicated chewing gums represent an orally administered dosage form with promising potential for local and systemic drug delivery. However, compared to other solid oral dosage forms, formulation development and release mechanism of medicated chewing gums are extremely complex, and thus only few products reached the approval for the market so far. Therefore, Quality by Design (QbD) approaches for rational formulation development of medicated chewing gums are needed to utilize their full potential. For chewing gum tablets, which are manufactured by direct compression, QbD approaches derived from tableting processes might be exerted. In this context, the SeDeM-Diagram-Expert-System implements the QbD approach while indicating whether a blend is suitable for direct compression and comprises powder properties, which need to be improved to facilitate the formulation development. Here, we present the successful application of the SeDeM-Diagram-Expert-System to the formulation development of medicated chewing gum tablets manufactured by direct compression. Furthermore, limitations of the SeDeM-System for medicated chewing gum tablets are evaluated and potential modifications of the system are suggested and discussed for future use.



