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The Imine‐Based COF TpPa‐1 as an Efficient Cooling Adsorbent That Can Be Regenerated by Heat or Light
Advanced Energy Materials ( IF 24.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-03 , DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201901535
Javier Pérez‐Carvajal 1 , Gerard Boix 1 , Inhar Imaz 1 , Daniel Maspoch 1, 2

Adsorption‐based cooling systems, which can be driven by waste heat and solar energy, are promising alternatives to conventional, compression‐based cooling systems, as they demand less energy and emit less CO2. The performance of adsorption‐based cooling systems relates directly to the performance of the working pairs (sorbent–water). Accordingly, improvement of these systems relies on the continual discovery of new sorbents that enable greater mass exchange while requiring less energy for regeneration. Here, it is proposed that covalent‐organic frameworks (COFs) can replace traditional sorbents for adsorption‐based cooling. In tests mimicking standard operating conditions for industry, the imine‐based COF TpPa‐1 exhibits a regeneration temperature below 65 °C and a cooling coefficient of performance of 0.77 – values which are comparable to those reported for the best metal–organic framework sorbents described to date. Moreover, TpPa‐1 exhibits a photothermal effect and can be regenerated by visible light, thereby opening the possibility for its use in solar‐driven cooling.


基于亚胺的COF TpPa-1是一种有效的冷却吸附剂,可通过热或光再生

可以由废热和太阳能驱动的基于吸附的冷却系统是传统的基于压缩的冷却系统的有前途的替代方案,因为它们需要更少的能量并排放更少的CO 2。基于吸附的冷却系统的性能与工作对(吸附剂-水)的性能直接相关。因此,这些系统的改进依赖于不断发现新的吸附剂,这些吸附剂能够进行更大的质量交换,同时需要较少的再生能量。在此,提出了共价有机骨架(COF)可以代替传统的吸附剂进行基于吸附的冷却。在模拟行业标准操作条件的测试中,基于亚胺的COF TpPa-1表现出低于65°C的再生温度和0.77的性能冷却系数–该值可与迄今描述的最佳金属-有机骨架吸附剂进行比较。而且,TpPa-1表现出光热效应,并且可以通过可见光再生,从而为将其用于太阳能驱动的冷却提供了可能性。