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Selenium bio-absorption and antioxidant capacity in mice treated by selenium modified rice germ polysaccharide
Journal of Functional Foods ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2019.103492
Dejing Chen , Haiyan Sun , Yixiao Shen , Ming Luo , Xi Xin , Zhimin Xu

Se bio-absorption and toxicity of Se-RGP were evaluated and compared with inorganic selenium salt using a mouse model. Antioxidant capacities of Se-RGP and original RGP were compared using in vitro and vivo models. Se-RGP showed low toxicity with MTD over 20 g/kg bw. The mice in Se-RGP treatment had significantly higher Se level in blood, liver, lung, spleen and bone than the mice administered by sodium selenite at a dose close to MLD. In in vitro antioxidant activity assays, Se-RGP exhibited higher activity than RGP, but much lower than VC in scavenging hydroxyl, DPPH, and superoxide free radicals. In in vivo model, the mice in RGP and Se-RGP groups had better SOD and GSH-Px activities, T-AOC and MDA level than the mice in VC group. Se-RGP significantly strengthened the antioxidant capability of original RGP by increasing of SOD and GSH-Px activities and T-AOC in mouse serum, heart, liver, and kidney.



使用小鼠模型评估了Se-RGP对Se的生物吸收和毒性,并将其与无机硒盐进行了比较。使用体外体内模型比较了Se-RGP和原始RGP的抗氧化能力。Se-RGP在MTD超过20 g / kg bw时显示出低毒性。Se-RGP处理的小鼠的血液,肝,肺,脾脏和骨骼中的硒水平明显高于亚硒酸钠(接近MLD)的硒水平。在体外抗氧化剂活性测定中,Se-RGP在清除羟基,DPPH和超氧化物自由基方面表现出比RGP更高的活性,但远低于VC。在体内在模型中,RGP和Se-RGP组的小鼠的SOD和GSH-Px活性,T-AOC和MDA含量均高于VC组。Se-RGP通过增加小鼠血清,心脏,肝脏和肾脏中的SOD和GSH-Px活性以及T-AOC,显着增强了原始RGP的抗氧化能力。
