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Polydiacetylene (PDA) Liposome-Based Immunosensor for the Detection of Exosomes.
Biomacromolecules ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b00641
Changheon Kim 1 , Kangwon Lee 1

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (EVs) that have attracted attention because of their important biological roles in intercellular communication and transportation of various biomolecules, including proteins and genetic materials. However, due to difficulties in their selective capture and detection, further application of exosomes remains challenging. To detect EVs, we fabricated a liposomal biosensor based on polydiacetylene (PDA), a conjugate polymer that has been widely used in sensing applications derived from its unique optical properties. To confer selectivity and sensitivity to the sensory material, antibodies targeting CD63, a membrane protein exclusively found in exosomes, were attached to the PDA liposomes and phospholipid molecules were incorporated into the PDA vesicles. Signal analysis derived from PDA liposomes for exosome detection and quantification was performed by observing colorimetric changes triggered by the ligand-receptor interaction of PDA vesicles. Visual, UV-visible, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used to obtain signals from the PDA lipid immunosensor, which achieved a detection limit of 3 × 108 vesicles/mL, the minimum concentration that can be used in practical applications. The strategies used in the system have the potential to expand into the field of dealing with exosomes.



外来体是细胞外囊泡(EVs),由于它们在各种生物分子(包括蛋白质和遗传物质)的细胞间通讯和运输中的重要生物学作用而受到关注。然而,由于它们的选择性捕获和检测方面的困难,外泌体的进一步应用仍然具有挑战性。为了检测电动汽车,我们制造了一种基于聚二乙炔(PDA)的脂质体生物传感器,该聚合物是一种共轭聚合物,因其独特的光学特性而被广泛用于传感应用中。为了赋予对感官材料的选择性和敏感性,将靶向CD63的抗体附着在PDA脂质体上,而CD63是一种仅在外泌体中发现的膜蛋白,磷脂分子被掺入PDA囊泡中。通过观察由PDA囊泡的配体-受体相互作用触发的比色变化,对PDA脂质体进行信号分析以进行外来体检测和定量。可见光,紫外可见光和荧光光谱法用于从PDA脂质免疫传感器获得信号,其检测极限达到3×108囊泡/ mL,这是可在实际应用中使用的最低浓度。系统中使用的策略有可能扩展到处理外泌体的领域。在实际应用中可以使用的最低浓度。系统中使用的策略有可能扩展到处理外泌体的领域。在实际应用中可以使用的最低浓度。系统中使用的策略有可能扩展到处理外泌体的领域。