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Human placental methylome in the interplay of adverse placental health, environmental exposure, and pregnancy outcome.
PLOS Genetics ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008236
Amanda Vlahos 1 , Toby Mansell 1, 2 , Richard Saffery 1, 2 , Boris Novakovic 1, 2

The placenta is the interface between maternal and fetal circulations, integrating maternal and fetal signals to selectively regulate nutrient, gas, and waste exchange, as well as secrete hormones. In turn, the placenta helps create the in utero environment and control fetal growth and development. The unique epigenetic profile of the human placenta likely reflects its early developmental separation from the fetus proper and its role in mediating maternal-fetal exchange that leaves it open to a range of exogenous exposures in the maternal circulation. In this review, we cover recent advances in DNA methylation in the context of placental function and development, as well as the interaction between the pregnancy and the environment.


