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Confinement-Enhanced Rapid Interlayer Diffusion within Graphene-Supported Anisotropic ReSe2 Electrodes
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b08157
Zhenjing Liu 1 , Xuewu Ou 1 , Minghao Zhuang 1 , Jiadong Li 1 , Md Delowar Hossain 1 , Yao Ding 1 , Hoilun Wong 1 , Jiawen You 1 , Yuting Cai 1 , Irfan Haider Abidi 1 , Abhishek Tyagi 1 , Minhua Shao 1 , Bin Yuan 2 , Zhengtang Luo 1

To enhance interlayer lithium diffusion, we engineer electrodes consisting of epitaxially grown ReSe2 nanosheets by chemical vapor deposition, supported on three-dimensional (3D) graphene foam, taking advantage of its weak van der Waals coupling and anisotropic crystal structure. We further demonstrate its excellent performance as the anode for lithium-ion battery and catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Density functional theory calculation reveals that ReSe2 exhibits a low energy barrier for lithium (Li) interlayer diffusion because of negligible interlayer coupling and anisotropic structure with low symmetry that creates additional adsorption sites and leads to a reduced diffusion barrier. Benefitting from these properties, the 3D ReSe2/graphene foam electrode displays excellent cycling and rate performance with 99.6% capacity retention after 350 cycles and a capacity of 327 mA h g–1 at the current density of 1000 mA g–1. Additionally, it has exhibited a high activity for HER, in which an exchange current density of 277.8 μA cm–2 is obtained and only an overpotential of 106 mV is required to achieve a current density of −10 mA cm–2. Our work provides a fundamental understanding of the interlayer diffusion of Li in transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials and acts as a new tool for designing a TMD-based catalyst.


石墨烯支撑的各向异性ReSe 2电极中的禁闭增强层间快速扩散。

为了增强层间锂的扩散,我们通过化学气相沉积设计由外延生长的ReSe 2纳米片组成的电极,利用其弱的范德华偶合和各向异性晶体结构,将其支撑在三维(3D)石墨烯泡沫上。我们进一步证明了其作为锂离子电池的负极和氢气析出反应(HER)的催化剂的出色性能。密度泛函理论计算表明,ReSe 2对锂(Li)层间扩散表现出较低的能垒,这是因为层间耦合可忽略,且各向异性结构具有低对称性,从而形成了额外的吸附位点并导致扩散势垒降低。受益于这些特性,3D ReSe 2/石墨烯泡沫电极表现出优良的循环和350次循环后的倍率性能与99.6%的容量保持率和327毫安Hg的容量-1处的千毫安克的电流密度-1。此外,它对HER表现出很高的活性,其中获得的交流电流密度为277.8μAcm -2,只需要106 mV的过电位即可达到-10 mA cm -2的电流密度。我们的工作提供了对锂在过渡金属二硫化氢(TMD)材料中的层间扩散的基本了解,并充当了设计基于TMD的催化剂的新工具。