npj 2D Materials and Applications ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41699-019-0109-3 Jihene Zribi , Lama Khalil , Biyuan Zheng , José Avila , Debora Pierucci , Thibault Brulé , Julien Chaste , Emmanuel Lhuillier , Maria C. Asensio , Anlian Pan , Abdelkarim Ouerghi
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The combination of monolayers of different two-dimensional (2D) materials into van der Waals hetero-bilayer structures creates unprecedented physical phenomena, acting as a powerful tool for future devices. Understanding and exploiting these phenomena hinge on knowing the electronic structure and the hybridization of hetero-bilayer structures. Here, we show strong hybridization effects arising between the constitutive single layers of a SnS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayer structure grown by chemical vapor deposition. Surprisingly, the valence band maximum position of WSe2 is moved from the K point for the single layer WSe2 to the Γ point for the aligned SnS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayer. Additionally, a significant photoluminescence quenching is observed for the SnS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayer structure with respect to the WSe2 monolayer. Using photoluminescence spectroscopy and nano-angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy techniques, we demonstrate that the SnS2/WSe2 heterostructure present a type-II band alignment. These findings directly answer many outstanding questions about the electronic band structure and the band offset of SnS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayers for envisaging their applications in nanoelectronics.

对齐的SnS 2 / WSe 2异质双层结构中的强层间杂交
将不同的二维(2D)材料的单层组合到van der Waals异质双层结构中,将创造出前所未有的物理现象,成为未来设备的强大工具。了解和利用这些现象取决于了解电子结构和异质双层结构的杂化。在这里,我们显示了通过化学气相沉积生长的SnS 2 / WSe 2异质双层结构的单层结构之间产生的强大杂交效应。令人惊讶地,WSE的价带最大值位置2是从K个点的单层移动WSE 2到Γ点对准的SnS 2 / WSE 2异质双层。另外,相对于WSe 2单层,对于SnS 2 / WSe 2异质双层结构观察到明显的光致发光猝灭。使用光致发光光谱学和纳米角度分辨的光发射光谱学技术,我们证明了SnS 2 / WSe 2异质结构呈现II型能带排列。这些发现直接回答了有关SnS 2 / WSe 2异质双层的电子能带结构和能带偏移的许多悬而未决的问题,以用于其在纳米电子学中的应用。