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Photoelectron spectroscopic and computational study of (M–CO2)− anions, M = Cu, Ag, Au
The Journal of Chemical Physics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2015-11-05 15:16:49 , DOI: 10.1063/1.4935061
Eunhak Lim 1 , Seong K. Kim 1 , Kit H. Bowen 2

In a combined photoelectron spectroscopic and computational study of (M–CO2), M = Au, Ag, Cu, anionic complexes, we show that (Au–CO2) forms both the chemisorbed and physisorbed isomers, AuCO 2 − and Au (CO2), respectively; that (Ag–CO2) forms only the physisorbed isomer, Ag (CO2); and that (Cu–CO2) forms only the chemisorbed isomer, CuCO 2 − . The two chemisorbed complexes, AuCO 2 − and CuCO 2 − , are covalently bound, formate-like anions, in which their CO2 moieties are significantly reduced. These two species are examples of electron-induced CO2 activation. The two physisorbed complexes, Au (CO2) and Ag (CO2), are electrostatically and thus weakly bound.


(M–CO2)−阴离子的光电子能谱和计算研究,M = Cu,Ag,Au

在对(M–CO 2-,M = Au,Ag,Cu,阴离子配合物的光电子能谱和计算的联合研究中,我们表明(Au–CO 2-既形成了化学吸附和物理吸附的异构体AuCO 2-和金-(CO 2),分别; 该(AG-CO 2-的形式仅物理吸附的异构体,银-(CO 2); (Cu-CO 2-仅形成化学吸附的异构体CuCO 2-。两种化学吸附的络合物AuCO 2-和CuCO 2-是共价键结合的甲酸样阴离子,其中的CO 2部分显着减少。这两种是电子诱导的CO 2活化的例子。两个物理吸附的复合物,金-(CO 2)和Ag -(CO 2),被静电因而弱键合。