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Addressing various challenges related to food bolus and nutrition with the AM2 mastication simulator
Food Hydrocolloids ( IF 11.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.105229
M.-A. Peyron , V. Santé-Lhoutellier , D. Dardevet , M. Hennequin , D. Rémond , O. François , A. Woda

Abstract Preparing a food bolus for swallowing is the first and major goal of oral processing ensured by mastication. To fulfill this goal, mastication is accurrately adjusted to the structure and texture of the food. Since the bolus is the main outcome of food oral processing, there is growing interest in improving understanding the food bolus and its features at the end of the masticatory sequence and throughout its formation. Although this step is trivial, its execution is somewhat more complex than it appears. Until now, the food bolus produced has not subjected to full analysis, mainly due to the lack of accessibility during in vivo oral processing. To overcome this difficulty, we developed a masticator apparatus, named AM 2 , on the basis of in vivo compression and shear stresses applied on food during oral processing. The apparatus was validated against particle size analyses of boluses produced by individuals presenting normal mastication. The present paper provides a comprehensive overview of the various potential uses of the AM 2 apparatus to produce food boluses for a large range of scientific needs. The food bolus contains much valuable information regarding the progress of mastication, the completion of the function and its role in food disruption, the oral release of food compounds, changes and bioaccessibility, and finally its impact on nutrition. The AM 2 apparatus can also be used to simulate mastication in specific populations, such as the elderly and children, and to address various objectives related to this initial step of digestion.


使用 AM2 咀嚼模拟器解决与食物丸剂和营养相关的各种挑战

摘要 准备用于吞咽的食物丸是通过咀嚼确保口腔处理的第一个也是主要的目标。为了实现这一目标,咀嚼会根据食物的结构和质地进行准确调整。由于食团是食物口服加工的主要结果,人们越来越有兴趣在咀嚼序列结束时和整个形成过程中提高对食物食团及其特征的理解。虽然这一步是微不足道的,但它的执行比看起来要复杂一些。到目前为止,产生的食物丸尚未经过全面分析,主要是由于在体内口服加工过程中缺乏可及性。为了克服这一困难,我们开发了一种咀嚼器,名为 AM 2 ,基于口腔加工过程中对食物施加的体内压缩和剪切应力。该装置针对呈现正常咀嚼的个体产生的丸剂的粒度分析进行了验证。本论文全面概述了 AM 2 设备在生产满足各种科学需求的食物丸方面的各种潜在用途。食物丸包含许多有价值的信息,包括咀嚼的进程、功能的完成及其在食物破坏中的作用、食物化合物的口服释放、变化和生物可及性,以及最终对营养的影响。AM 2 装置还可用于模拟特定人群(例如老年人和儿童)的咀嚼,并解决与此初始消化步骤相关的各种目标。本论文全面概述了 AM 2 设备在生产满足各种科学需求的食物丸方面的各种潜在用途。食物丸包含许多有价值的信息,包括咀嚼的过程、功能的完成及其在食物破坏中的作用、食物化合物的口服释放、变化和生物可及性,以及最终对营养的影响。AM 2 装置还可用于模拟特定人群(例如老年人和儿童)的咀嚼,并解决与此初始消化步骤相关的各种目标。本论文全面概述了 AM 2 设备在生产满足各种科学需求的食物丸方面的各种潜在用途。食物丸包含许多有价值的信息,包括咀嚼的过程、功能的完成及其在食物破坏中的作用、食物化合物的口服释放、变化和生物可及性,以及最终对营养的影响。AM 2 装置还可用于模拟特定人群(例如老年人和儿童)的咀嚼,并解决与此初始消化步骤相关的各种目标。功能的完成及其在食物破坏、食物化合物的口服释放、变化和生物可及性以及最终对营养的影响方面的作用。AM 2 装置还可用于模拟特定人群(例如老年人和儿童)的咀嚼,并解决与此初始消化步骤相关的各种目标。功能的完成及其在食物破坏、食物化合物的口服释放、变化和生物可及性以及最终对营养的影响方面的作用。AM 2 装置还可用于模拟特定人群(例如老年人和儿童)的咀嚼,并解决与此初始消化步骤相关的各种目标。