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Natural product derived promising anti-MRSA drug leads: A review.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2019.07.023
Srikanth Gatadi 1 , Jitendra Gour 1 , Srinivas Nanduri 1

Multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections have created a critical need for the development of new classes of antibacterials. Discovery of new naturally derived antibacterial agents with new mechanism of action remains a high priority globally. Several of the available antibacterial agents like β-lactams, polyketides, phenylpropanoids, aminoglycosides, macrolides, glycopeptides, streptogramins and lipopeptides are natural products or their semisynthetic variations. In the current scenario of alarming rise in antibacterial resistance, revisiting natural products with modern chemistry and biology tools has fascinated many medicinal chemists for discovery and development of natural products or derived semisynthetic derivatives as effective antibacterial agents. This review underlines the structures and anti-MRSA activity of various natural product derivatives covering recent reports, in vivo activities and brief Structure Activity Relationships (SARs).


