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Rimegepant oral disintegrating tablet for migraine
The Lancet ( IF 98.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(19)31611-3
Lars Edvinsson

In The Lancet, Robert Croop and colleagues present a carefully designed phase 3 trial on an oral disintegrating tablet (ODT) of rimegepant for the acute treatment of migraine among 1375 patients (85% female, mean age 40·2 years [SD 12·0]). The trial was positive, showing an increase in relief from headache pain among the group receiving rimegepant at 2 h after dosing (10% over placebo) and improvement in the most bothersome symptoms, which included photophobia and nausea (8% over placebo). The onset was reported to be slightly faster than that of other gepants (first positive effect at 1 h for rimegepant vs 2 h for telcagepant) and the effect on the lower side (10% for rimegepant vs a mean of 17% in four trials on telcagepant), but the duration was up to 48 h. Adverse events were not different from placebo.



《柳叶刀》杂志上,Robert Croop及其同事介绍了一种精心设计的瑞格非特口服崩解片(ODT)的3期试验,用于1375例患者的偏头痛的急性治疗(女性占85%,平均年龄40·2岁[SD 12·0] ])。该试验是阳性的,显示在给药后2小时接受瑞格明的组中头痛疼痛的缓解有所增加(比安慰剂高10%),并且最令人不适的症状有所改善,其中包括畏光和恶心(比安慰剂高8%)。发病报道比其他gepants(在用于rimegepant 1个小时第一正效果的更快稍微VS为替卡格泮2 h)和下侧(效果10%rimegepant VS在四次telcagepant试验中平均为17%),但持续时间长达48小时。不良事件与安慰剂无异。