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Cover Feature: β‐CsB9O14: A Triple‐Layered Borate with Edge‐Sharing BO4 Tetrahedra Exhibiting a Short Cutoff Edge and a Large Birefringence (Chem. Eur. J. 50/2019)
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-11 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.201902976
Shujuan Han 1 , Chunmei Huang 1, 2 , Abudukadi Tudi 1, 2 , Shuaishuai Hu 1, 2 , Zhihua Yang 1 , Shilie Pan 1

Exploring new compounds with unique structures has always attracted the interest of researchers. Under vacuum‐sealed conditions, β‐CsB9O14, which is the first triple‐layered borate with edge‐sharing BO4 tetrahedra, was obtained. It represents a new structure type and enriches the structural diversity of borates. Moreover, β‐CsB9O14 exhibits a short UV cutoff edge and a large birefringence. More information can be found in the Communication by S. L. Pan et al. on page 11614.


封面特征:β-CsB9O14:具有边缘共享BO4四面体的三层硼酸盐,具有短截止边缘和大双折射(Chem。Eur。J. 50/2019)

探索具有独特结构的新化合物一直吸引着研究人员的兴趣。在真空下密封的条件下,β-CSB 9 ø 14,其是第一三层硼酸与边缘共享BO 4四面体,得到。它代表了一种新的结构类型,丰富了硼酸盐的结构多样性。此外,β-CSB 9 ö 14表现出短UV截止边缘和大的双折射。可以在S.L. Pan等人的《通讯》中找到更多信息。在第11614页。