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Heterostructured Nickel‐Cobalt Selenide Immobilized onto Porous Carbon Frameworks as an Advanced Anode Material for Urea Electrocatalysis
ChemElectroChem ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-20 , DOI: 10.1002/celc.201900844
Diab Khalafallah 1, 2 , Chong Ouyang 1 , Mingjia Zhi 1 , Zhanglian Hong 1

Transition‐metal selenides based materials have recently aroused an increasing consideration in the field of energy reservation and conversion owing to their good electrochemical performance and low synthetic cost. Herein, multi‐walled carbon nanotubes supported binary nickel cobalt selenide composite (Ni−Co−Se/CNT) was prepared by a one‐pot‐hydrothermal method using hydrazine ions that enables the selenium to diffuse and react with the Ni‐and Co‐cations to form Ni−Co−Se with a stable nanostructure onto the outer walls of the CNT platforms due to the coordination interaction between the metallic cations and surface oxygen‐containing group of the conductive scaffolds. The electrochemical performances for urea oxidation reaction (UOR) are accessed in an alkaline medium by cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronopotentiometry (CA), and electrochemical impedancespectroscopy (EIS) tests. The as‐prepared Ni−Co−Se/CNT hybrid presents an excellent electrocatalytic activity in terms of current density and onset potential due to synergistic effects of tubular CNT scaffolds, additional Co active sites, and electrochemically active NiOOH layer. The CNTs support markedly enhanced the electrocatalytic properties by providing a rapid mass transport for UOR because of their porous network architectures with a robust adhesion to the Ni−Co−Se nanocrystals. Thus, the synthetic methodology synthetic methodology adopted here is entirely effective for constructing various metal selenide compounds in future.



基于过渡金属硒化物的材料由于其良好的电化学性能和较低的合成成本,最近在能量保留和转化领域引起了越来越多的考虑。在此,采用肼离子通过一锅水热法制备了多壁碳纳米管负载的二元硒化镍钴镍复合材料(Ni-Co-Se / CNT),该方法可使硒扩散并与Ni-和Co-发生反应。金属阳离子与导电支架的表面含氧基团之间的配位相互作用,从而在CNT平台的外壁上形成具有稳定纳米结构的Ni-Co-Se。在碱性介质中,通过循环伏安法(CV),计时电位法(CA)获得尿素氧化反应(UOR)的电化学性能,和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)测试。由于管状CNT支架,附加的Co活性位点和电化学活性的NiOOH层的协同作用,制备的Ni-Co-Se / CNT杂化物在电流密度和起始电位方面表现出出色的电催化活性。CNT支撑物通过为UOR提供快速的质量传输而显着增强了电催化性能,这是因为它们的多孔网络结构对Ni-Co-Se纳米晶体具有牢固的附着力。因此,这里采用的合成方法对于将来构造各种金属硒化物化合物是完全有效的。由于管状CNT支架,附加的Co活性位点和电化学活性的NiOOH层的协同作用,因此制备的Ni-Co-Se / CNT杂化物在电流密度和起始电位方面表现出出色的电催化活性。CNT支撑物通过为UOR提供快速的质量传输而显着增强了电催化性能,这是因为它们的多孔网络结构对Ni-Co-Se纳米晶体具有牢固的附着力。因此,本文采用的合成方法对于将来构建各种金属硒化物化合物是完全有效的。由于管状CNT支架,附加的Co活性位点和电化学活性的NiOOH层的协同作用,因此制备的Ni-Co-Se / CNT杂化物在电流密度和起始电位方面表现出出色的电催化活性。CNT支撑物通过为UOR提供快速的质量传输而显着增强了电催化性能,这是因为它们的多孔网络结构对Ni-Co-Se纳米晶体具有牢固的附着力。因此,这里采用的合成方法对于将来构造各种金属硒化物化合物是完全有效的。CNT支撑物通过为UOR提供快速的质量传输而显着增强了电催化性能,这是因为它们的多孔网络结构对Ni-Co-Se纳米晶体具有牢固的附着力。因此,本文采用的合成方法对于将来构建各种金属硒化物化合物是完全有效的。CNT支撑物通过为UOR提供快速的质量传输而显着增强了电催化性能,这是因为它们的多孔网络结构对Ni-Co-Se纳米晶体具有牢固的附着力。因此,本文采用的合成方法对于将来构建各种金属硒化物化合物是完全有效的。