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Mapping the Mouse Cell Atlas by Microwell-Seq.
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-Feb-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.02.001
Xiaoping Han , Renying Wang , Yincong Zhou , Lijiang Fei , Huiyu Sun , Shujing Lai , Assieh Saadatpour , Ziming Zhou , Haide Chen , Fang Ye , Daosheng Huang , Yang Xu , Wentao Huang , Mengmeng Jiang , Xinyi Jiang , Jie Mao , Yao Chen , Chenyu Lu , Jin Xie , Qun Fang , Yibin Wang , Rui Yue , Tiefeng Li , He Huang , Stuart H. Orkin , Guo-Cheng Yuan , Ming Chen , Guoji Guo

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies are poised to reshape the current cell-type classification system. However, a transcriptome-based single-cell atlas has not been achieved for complex mammalian systems. Here, we developed Microwell-seq, a high-throughput and low-cost scRNA-seq platform using simple, inexpensive devices. Using Microwell-seq, we analyzed more than 400,000 single cells covering all of the major mouse organs and constructed a basic scheme for a mouse cell atlas (MCA). We reveal a single-cell hierarchy for many tissues that have not been well characterized previously. We built a web-based "single-cell MCA analysis" pipeline that accurately defines cell types based on single-cell digital expression. Our study demonstrates the wide applicability of the Microwell-seq technology and MCA resource.


