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Oxidative post-translational modification of EXECUTER1 is required for singlet oxygen sensing in plastids.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-27 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10760-6
Vivek Dogra 1 , Mingyue Li 1, 2 , Somesh Singh 1 , Mengping Li 1, 2 , Chanhong Kim 1, 2

Environmental information perceived by chloroplasts can be translated into retrograde signals that alter the expression of nuclear genes. Singlet oxygen (1O2) generated by photosystem II (PSII) can cause photo-oxidative damage of PSII but has also been implicated in retrograde signaling. We previously reported that a nuclear-encoded chloroplast FtsH2 metalloprotease coordinates 1O2-triggered retrograde signaling by promoting the degradation of the EXECUTER1 (EX1) protein, a putative 1O2 sensor. Here, we show that a 1O2-mediated oxidative post-translational modification of EX1 is essential for initiating 1O2-derived signaling. Specifically, the Trp643 residue in DUF3506 domain of EX1 is prone to oxidation by 1O2. Both the substitution of Trp643 with 1O2-insensitive amino acids and the deletion of the DUF3506 domain abolish the EX1-mediated 1O2 signaling. We thus provide mechanistic insight into how EX1 senses 1O2 via Trp643 located in the DUF3506 domain.



叶绿体感知到的环境信息可以转化为逆向信号,从而改变核基因的表达。由光系统II(PSII)产生的单线态氧(1 O 2)可以引起PSII的光氧化损伤,但也与逆行信号有关。我们以前曾报道过,核编码的叶绿体FtsH2金属蛋白酶通过促进EXECUTER1(EX1)蛋白(一种可能的1 O 2传感器)的降解来协调1 O 2触发的逆行信号。在这里,我们表明EX 1的1 O 2介导的氧化后翻译修饰对于启动1 O是必不可少的2派生的信令。具体而言,EX1的DUF3506结构域中的Trp643残基易于被1 O 2氧化。用1 O 2不敏感的氨基酸取代Trp643和删除DUF3506域都消除了EX1介导的1 O 2信号传导。因此,我们提供了有关EX1如何通过位于DUF3506域中的Trp643感测1 O 2的机制的见解。
