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Autothermal CaO Looping Biomass Gasification for Renewable Syngas Production
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01527
Hongman Sun 1, 2 , Chunfei Wu 1, 2

Biomass gasification is regarded as a promising alternative to fossil fuels for producing sustainable and clean value-added products. However, the challenges including low energy efficiency, CO2 emission, and ash agglomeration significantly delay the deployment of the technology. Herein, we first proposed a novel autothermal CaO looping biomass gasification (Auto-CaL-Gas) technology, in which CaO-based materials react with flue gas with a high concentration of CO2 (>30 vol %) to produce heat inside the gasifier, simultaneously providing energy for low-temperature biomass gasification using CO2 as a gasification agent. Upon use of this concept the syngas production exhibited a significant increase from 0.21 kg/h to 0.90 kg/h in the Aspen simulation results and more than 3-fold improvement in the experimental results.



生物质气化被认为是生产可持续和清洁增值产品的化石燃料的有前途的替代品。然而,包括低能效,CO 2排放和灰分聚结在内的挑战极大地延迟了该技术的部署。在此,我们首先提出了一种新颖的自热CaO循环生物质气化(Auto-CaL-Gas)技术,其中CaO基材料与高浓度CO 2(> 30 vol%)的烟道气反应在气化炉内产生热量,同时为使用CO 2的低温生物质气化提供能量作为气化剂。使用该概念后,Aspen模拟结果显示合成气产量从0.21 kg / h显着增加到0.90 kg / h,实验结果提高了3倍以上。