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Direct allylic C-H alkylation of enol silyl ethers enabled by photoredox-Brønsted base hybrid catalysis.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-20 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10641-y
Kohsuke Ohmatsu 1 , Tsubasa Nakashima 1 , Makoto Sato 1 , Takashi Ooi 1, 2

Strategies for altering the reaction pathway of reactive intermediates are of significant importance in diversifying organic synthesis. Enol silyl ethers, versatile enolate equivalents, are known to undergo one-electron oxidation to generate the radical cations that spontaneously form electrophilic α-carbonyl radicals via elimination of the silyl groups. Here, we demonstrate that close scrutiny of the property of the radical cations as strong C–H acids enables the identification of a catalyst system consisting of an iridium-based photosensitizer and 2,4,6-collidine for the generation of nucleophilic allylic radicals from enol silyl ethers through one-electron oxidation-deprotonation sequence under light irradiation without the desilylation of the radical cation intermediates. The resultant allylic radicals engage in the addition to electron-deficient olefins, establishing the selective allylic C-H alkylation of enol silyl ethers. This strategy is broadly applicable, and the alkylated enol silyl ethers can be transformed into highly functionalized carbonyl compounds by exploiting their common polar reactivity.



