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Potential-Induced Pitting Corrosion of an IrO2(110)-RuO2(110)/Ru(0001) Model Electrode under Oxygen Evolution Reaction Conditions
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-12 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b01402
Tim Weber 1, 2 , Johannes Pfrommer 3, 4 , Marcel J.S. Abb 1, 2 , Benjamin Herd 1, 2 , Omeir Khalid 1, 2 , Marcus Rohnke 1, 2 , Pirmin H. Lakner 3, 4 , Jonas Evertsson 5 , Sergey Volkov 3 , Florian Bertram 3 , Raja Znaiguia 6 , Francesco Carla 6 , Vedran Vonk 3, 4 , Edvin Lundgren 5 , Andreas Stierle 3, 4 , Herbert Over 1, 2

Sophisticated IrO2(110)-based model electrodes are prepared by deposition of a 10 nm thick single-crystalline IrO2(110) layer supported on a structure-directing RuO2(110)/Ru(0001) template, exposing a regular array of mesoscopic rooflike structures. With this model electrode together with the dedicated in situ synchrotron based techniques (SXRD, XRR) and ex situ characterization techniques (SEM, ToF-SIMS, XPS), the corrosion process of IrO2(110) in an acidic environment (pH 0.4) is studied on different length scales. Potential-induced pitting corrosion starts at 1.48 V vs SHE and is initiated at so-called surface grain boundaries, where three rotational domains of IrO2(110) meet. The most surprising result is, however, that even when the electrode potential is increased to 1.94 V vs SHE 60–70% of the IrO2 film still stays intact down to the mesoscale and atomic scale and no uniform thinning of the IrO2(110) layer is encountered. Neither flat IrO2(110) terraces nor single steps are attacked. Ultrathin single-crystalline IrO2(110) layers seem to be much more stable to anodic corrosion than hitherto expected.


氧气析出反应条件下IrO 2(110)-RuO 2(110)/ Ru(0001)模型电极的电位诱导腐蚀

通过沉积支撑在结构导向RuO 2(110)/ Ru(0001)模板上的10 nm厚的单晶IrO 2(110)层并暴露规则阵列,可以制备基于IrO 2(110)的复杂模型电极介观的屋顶状结构。借助此模型电极以及专用的基于原位同步加速器的技术(SXRD,XRR)和非原位表征技术(SEM,ToF-SIMS,XPS),IrO 2(110)在酸性环境(pH 0.4)中的腐蚀过程在不同的长度尺度上进行研究。电位诱发的点蚀开始于1.48 V vs. SHE,始于所谓的表面晶界,其中IrO 2的三个旋转域(110)见面。然而,最令人惊讶的结果是,即使将电极电势提高到1.94 V vs. SHE,IrO 2膜的60-70%仍保持完整,直至中尺度和原子尺度,并且IrO 2不会均匀变薄(110 )层。平坦的IrO 2(110)平台和单一台阶都不会受到攻击。超薄的单晶IrO 2(110)层对阳极腐蚀的稳定性似乎比迄今为止预期的要稳定得多。