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α-In2Se3 Nanoflakes Modulated by Ferroelectric Polarization and Pt Nanodots for Photodetection
ACS Applied Nano Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-21 , DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.9b00840
Pengfei Hou 1, 2 , Yang Lv 1 , Xiangli Zhong 1 , Jinbin Wang 1

α-In2Se3 is an interesting two-dimensional (2D) van der Waal s(vdW) ferroelectric material with simultaneous intercorrelated in-plane and out-of-plane polarization, and its bandgap is only about 1.3–1.4 eV, enabling the possibility of ultralow-power nanophotodetectors. However, few researchers focus on the relationship between the ferroelectric polarization and photoresponsivity for α-In2Se3 based photodetectors, and finding ways to improve the on/off current ratio. In this report, α-In2Se3 nanoflakes based planar devices were fabricated. We have demonstrated that the ferroelectric polarization has a great influence on the response time and on/off current ratio, and discovered that the Pt nanodots sputtered on the α-In2Se3 surface could enhance the on/off current ratio to 2 × 109%. The performance of α-In2Se3 based planar device is very competitive comparing with the similar nanophotodetectors. All these may provide an effective way to improve the performance of nanophotodetectors, and highlight the potential of 2D vdW materials for novel nanophotodetectors.



α-在23是范德华S(范德华)一个有趣的二维(2D)面包车铁电材料具有同时intercorrelated在面内和面外偏振,并且其能带隙只有约1.3-1.4电子伏特,使超低功率纳米光电探测器的可能性。然而,很少研究集中在对α-在铁电体的极化和光响应之间的关系23基于光检测器,并设法提高开/关电流比。在本报告中,α-在23制造了基于纳米薄片的平面器件。我们已经证明,铁电极对响应时间和开/关电流比有很大的影响,并且发现,溅射的α-在在Pt纳米点23表面可增强开/关电流比为2×10 9%。的性能α-在23基于平面器件是非常有竞争力与同类nanophotodetectors比较。所有这些可能提供改善纳米光电探测器性能的有效方法,并突出2D vdW材料在新型纳米光电探测器中的潜力。