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Flexible Pt/Graphene Foil Containing only 6.6 wt % of Pt has a Comparable Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Performance to Platinum Metal
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b01876
Michelle P. Browne 1 , Filip Novotný 1 , Daniel Bousa 1 , Zdenĕk Sofer 1 , Martin Pumera 1, 2, 3

A significant amount of research is currently being undertaken to decrease the overall cost which governs the running of electrolyzer technologies. If the cost associated with electrolyzers was significantly reduced, it would pave a path to the efficient and economical generation of clean molecular hydrogen that could be used as a feedstock to create energy. As of now, only a handful of materials can challenge the performance of the current state-of-the-art cathodic catalyst, platnium, utilized in porous exchange-membrane electrolyzer devices. Herein, we show that 6.6 wt % of Pt on a homemade graphene film can achieve comparable hydrogen evolution activity to bulk platinum metal and surpass that of non-noble metal materials on carbon films previously reported.


仅含6.6 wt%的Pt的柔性Pt /石墨烯箔具有与铂金属相当的氢气析出反应性能

当前正在进行大量研究以降低控制电解器技术运行的总成本。如果与电解器相关的成本大大降低,则将为高效,经济地生产可用作原料的清洁分子氢铺平道路。到目前为止,只有少数几种材料可以挑战多孔交换膜电解装置中使用的当前最先进的阴极催化剂铂的性能。在本文中,我们表明,自制石墨烯膜上的6.6 wt%的Pt可以实现与块状铂金属相当的析氢活性,并且超过了先前报道的碳膜上非贵金属材料的析氢活性。