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Transient Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy: Coherent Dynamics at Arbitrary Times along the Reaction Coordinate
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b00826
Aritra Mandal 1 , Jonathan D. Schultz 1 , Yi-Lin Wu 1 , Adam F. Coleman 1 , Ryan M. Young 1 , Michael R. Wasielewski 1

Recent advances in two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) have enabled identification of fragile quantum coherences in condensed-phase systems near the equilibrium molecular geometry. In general, traditional 2DES cannot measure such coherences associated with photophysical processes that occur at times significantly after the initially prepared state has dephased, such as the evolution of the initial excited state into a charge transfer state. We demonstrate the use of transient two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (t-2DES) to probe coherences in an electron donor–acceptor dyad consisting of a perylenediimide (PDI) acceptor and a perylene (Per) donor. An actinic pump pulse prepares the lowest excited singlet state of PDI followed by formation of the PDI•––Per•+ ion pair, which is probed at different times following the actinic pulse using 2DES. Analysis of the observed coherences provides information about electronic, vibronic, and vibrational interactions at any time along the reaction coordinate for ion pair formation.



二维电子光谱学(2DES)的最新进展已使人们能够识别平衡分子几何附近的凝聚相系统中的易碎量子相干。通常,传统的2DES无法测量与光物理过程相关的这种相干性,这些相干性在初始准备状态已经退相后有时会显着地发生,例如从初始激发态演变为电荷转移态。我们演示了使用瞬态二维电子光谱(t-2DES)探测由of二酰亚胺(PDI)受体和and(Per)供体组成的电子供体-受体二元组中的相干性。光化泵浦脉冲准备最低的PDI激发单重态,然后形成PDI •– –Per •+离子对,使用2DES在光化脉冲后的不同时间进行探测。对观察到的相干性的分析可提供有关沿离子对形成反应坐标的任何时间的电子,振动和振动相互作用的信息。