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Speciation across mountains: Phylogenomics, species delimitation and taxonomy of the Liolaemus leopardinus clade (Squamata, Liolaemidae).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106524
Damien Esquerré 1 , Diego Ramírez-Álvarez 2 , Carlos J Pavón-Vázquez 1 , Jaime Troncoso-Palacios 3 , Carlos F Garín 4 , J Scott Keogh 1 , Adam D Leaché 5

Organisms rapidly diversifying across unstable environments such as mountain tops provide substantial challenges for resolving evolutionary histories and delimiting species. The Liolaemus leopardinus clade is a group of five species of lizards adapted to high altitudes in central Chile, with most species found in the Andes, but one species, L. frassinettii is found in the independent Costa Cordillera. Despite their allopatric distributions, they display shallow mitochondrial divergences, making phylogenetics and species delimitation of this clade hard to resolve. We use an integrative approach to delimit species by considering morphological data (linear and landmark-based), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and nuclear DNA (Sequences and SNPs collected with ddRADseq). We find strong conflicting signals between phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear and mtDNA data. While mtDNA places L. frassinettii as sister to the rest of the clade, the SNPs support a south to north order of divergences, with southernmost species (new taxon described here) as sister to the rest of the clade. Moreover, species delimitation using mtDNA only supports two species (one in the Costa and one in the Andes), whereas combined analyses using the nuclear data and morphology support multiple Andean taxa, including a new one we describe here. Based on these results, population structure analyses and our knowledge of the geological and climatic history of the Andes, we argue that this mito-nuclear discordance is explained by past introgression among the Andean taxa, likely during glacial periods that forced these lizards to lower altitudes where they would hybridize. The complete isolation between the Costa and Andes cordilleras has prevented any further contact between taxa on either mountain chain. Our study highlights the importance of using multiple lines of evidence to resolve evolutionary histories, and the potential misleading results from relying solely on mtDNA.


跨山物种:Liolaemus leopardinus进化枝(Squamata,Liolaemidae)的植物学,物种界限和分类学。

在不稳定的环境(例如山顶)中迅速多样化的生物为解决进化史和界定物种提出了严峻的挑战。Liolaemus leopardinus进化枝是由五种蜥蜴组成的种群,它们适应了智利中部的高海拔地区,大多数物种在安第斯山脉中发现,但是其中一种在原始科斯塔勒拉海岸发现了L. frassinettii。尽管它们具有异源分布,但它们仍显示出较浅的线粒体差异,这使得该进化枝的系统发育和物种界定难以解决。我们通过考虑形态学数据(基于线性和界标),线粒体DNA(mtDNA)和核DNA(用ddRADseq收集的序列和SNP),使用综合方法对物种进行划界。我们在核和线粒体DNA数据的系统发育分析之间发现强烈的矛盾信号。mtDNA将弗雷西内蒂氏菌作为其他进化枝的姊妹,而SNP支持南北向的分化,最南端的物种(此处描述的新分类群)为其他进化枝的姊妹。此外,使用mtDNA进行物种划界仅支持两种物种(一种在哥斯达黎加,一种在安第斯山脉),而使用核数据和形态进行的组合分析则支持多种安第斯类群,包括我们在此描述的一种新的类群。根据这些结果,人口结构分析以及我们对安第斯山脉的地质和气候历史的了解,我们认为,这种核-核不和谐现象是由安第斯分类群之间的过往侵入所解释的,可能是在冰川时期迫使这些蜥蜴降到可以杂交的较低高度。哥斯达黎加山脉和安第斯山脉之间完全隔离,阻止了任何一条山链上的分类单元之间的进一步接触。我们的研究强调了使用多条证据来解析进化史的重要性,以及仅依靠mtDNA可能产生的误导性结果。