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Symmetric All-Quinone Aqueous Battery
ACS Applied Energy Materials ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-31 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.9b00691
Liuchuan Tong 1 , Yan Jing 1 , Roy G. Gordon 1, 2 , Michael J. Aziz 2

Here we report a symmetric all-quinone aqueous battery based entirely on earth-abundant elements that uses a naturally occurring dye as the redox-active material in both positive and negative electrodes. We demonstrated a symmetric all-quinone cell with 1.04 V of open circuit voltage, 163 mAh/g of capacity, and 100 cycles at 10C with 100% of depth of discharge. The use of the same quinone in a symmetric setup expands the repertoire of inexpensive redox-active materials for aqueous rechargeable batteries, and the simple cell design will enable optimizations toward safe, cheap, light-weight, and flexible electronics in future.



在这里,我们报告了一种完全基于富含地球元素的对称全醌水性电池,该电池在正极和负极中均使用天然染料作为氧化还原活性材料。我们展示了一个对称的全醌电池,其开路电压为1.04 V,容量为163 mAh / g,在10C时可进行100次循环,放电深度为100%。在对称设置中使用相同的醌扩大了用于水性充电电池的廉价氧化还原活性材料的种类,并且简单的电池设计将使未来朝着安全,廉价,轻便和灵活的电子产品进行优化。