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Using ex Ovo Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay To Evaluate the Biocompatibility and Angiogenic Response to Biomaterials
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-30 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b00172
Naşide Mangir 1, 2 , Serkan Dikici 1 , Frederik Claeyssens 1 , Sheila MacNeil 1

Biomaterials need to be vigorously tested at every stage of preclinical development. As demand for in vivo culture environments continues to increase, traditional animal models are often technically complex, ethically undesirable, time-consuming, and resource intensive and thus present a barrier to high throughput screening. The chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay has long been used to study the effects of drugs on angiogenesis in vivo, providing researchers with a readily available, accessible, self-sustaining, and high throughput screen without requiring animal facilities. It has also been recognized as an in vivo assay to test initial tissue response to biomaterials; however it has not yet gained widespread acceptance. This could be due to lack of specific protocols on how to optimize this assay to specifically test biomaterials. Here we describe how the ex ovo (shell-less) CAM assay can be effectively used to study the angiogenic potential and initial tissue response to biomaterials. In comparison to alternative in vivo approaches, this technique provides additional advantages to the researcher as it allows better visualization of implanted biomaterials and the ability to implant several samples simultaneously enabling combinatorial biomaterial assays to be conducted.



在临床前开发的每个阶段都需要对生物材料进行严格的测试。随着对体内培养环境的需求不断增加,传统的动物模型通常在技术上是复杂的,在伦理上是不合需要的,既耗时又耗费资源,因此成为高通量筛选的障碍。长期以来,鸡绒膜尿囊膜(CAM)测定法一直用于研究药物对体内血管生成的影响,从而为研究人员提供了易于获得,可访问,自持且高通量的筛选方法,而无需使用动物设施。它也被认为是体内的检测初始组织对生物材料反应的分析;但是它还没有得到广泛的接受。这可能是由于缺乏有关如何优化此测定法以特异性测试生物材料的特定协议。在这里,我们描述了ex ovo(无壳)CAM测定法如何可以有效地用于研究血管生成潜力和初始组织对生物材料的反应。与替代的体内方法相比,该技术为研究人员提供了更多优势,因为它可以更好地可视化植入的生物材料,并具有同时植入多个样品的能力,从而可以进行组合式生物材料测定。