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Optical rectification in a chalcopyrite AgGaSe2 crystal for broadband terahertz radiation generation
Optics Letters ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-30 , DOI: 10.1364/ol.44.002867
B. N. Carnio , K. T. Zawilski , P. G. Schunemann , A. Y. Elezzabi

We report on optical rectification in a 110 AgGaSe2 crystal that produces terahertz (THz) electric field pulses across the broad frequency range of 0.02–4 THz. Due to the large coherence length of the AgGaSe2 crystal (>4 times larger than that of CdSiP2 and ZnGeP2), in-phase THz radiation is produced over the entire crystal thickness of 485 μm. Furthermore, THz time-domain spectroscopy is used to determine the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices and extinction coefficients of the uniaxial AgGaSe2 crystal across the broad spectral range of 0.5–2.9 THz, encompassing several phonon resonances.


黄铜矿AgGaSe 2晶体中的光学整流,用于产生宽带太赫兹辐射

我们在 110 砷化镓硒2个晶体会在0.02–4 THz的宽频率范围内产生太赫兹(THz)电场脉冲。由于相干长度大砷化镓硒2个 水晶 (>4 倍于 镉硅2个锌锗磷2个),在485μm的整个晶体厚度上都会产生同相THz辐射。此外,太赫兹时域光谱用于确定单轴的寻常和非寻常折射率以及消光系数砷化镓硒2个 晶体在0.5–2.9 THz的宽光谱范围内,包含多个声子共振。