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Surface‐supported cluster catalysis: Ensembles of metastable states run the show
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-28 , DOI: 10.1002/wcms.1420
Borna Zandkarimi 1 , Anastassia N. Alexandrova 1, 2

It has recently been shown that the dynamic behavior of surface‐supported nanocluster catalysts in realistic reaction conditions defies conventional models used in catalysis. This opens new doors in catalysis by giving more leverage in catalyst design, but also requires a major revision of the understanding of how dynamic heterogeneous catalytic interfaces operate, as well as of the computational approaches of catalyst modeling, and experimental methods of catalyst characterization. Major aspects of the new paradigm include the collective action of many catalyst states that form a statistical ensemble in reaction conditions, the catalytic activity and selectivity being driven by rare and metastable catalyst states, reaction thermodynamics and kinetics being controlled by different states of the catalyst, broken scaling relationships, non‐Arrhenius behaviors, and catalyst dynamic restructuring being an essential part of the reaction mechanism. For computation, this complexity means the departure from the standard density functional theory calculations of reaction mechanisms on a single catalyst structure. For experiment, it calls for the development of operando characterization tools with the per‐site resolution and the ability to find the minority sites that govern the catalytic activity. For catalyst design, the goal becomes the creation of the catalyst state (geometric and electronic) that might not be present in the as‐prepared catalyst, but would develop in the reaction conditions and would have the desired activity then. While cluster catalysts are the most dramatic in their dynamic fluxionality, other amorphous interfaces also exhibit some of it, and thus are also subject to similar paradigm revision.


