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Discovery of the Marker Residue of Olaquindox in Pigs, Broilers, and Carp
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-16 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b06026
Huiling Tan , Yuanhu Pan , Dongmei Chen , Yanfei Tao , Kaixiang Zhou , Zhenli Liu , Zonghui Yuan , Lingli Huang

The excretion, metabolism, distribution, and residue depletion of olaquindox (OLA), an antibacterial and growth-promoting agent used in food-producing animals for decades without a clear understanding of metabolic fate, was completely studied in pigs, broilers, carp, and rats using a radio-tracing approach combined with liquid chromatography-ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectroscopy to define the scientific marker residue (MR). After a single gavage of [3H]OLA, over 92% of the dose was excreted via urine. OLA was transformed into eight metabolites (O1–O8) in pigs and broilers, four metabolites (O1, O2, O4, and O7) in carp, and nine metabolites (O1–O9) in rats. O2 was the major residue in edible tissues of four species and persisted for the longest time in the kidneys with the longest half-life of 3.52–4.6 d. Bisdesoxyolaquindox (O2) is designated to be the MR, and the kidneys are considered to be the target tissue for OLA in food producing animals. Monitoring for this metabolite would improve the food safety evaluation and residue control of this drug.



在猪,肉鸡,鲤鱼和仔猪中,对喹诺酮(OLA)的排泄,新陈代谢,分布和残留耗竭进行了数十年的研究。使用放射性示踪方法结合液相色谱-离子阱/飞行时间质谱法对大鼠进行定义,以定义科学标记残留物(MR)。一次管饲[ 3H] OLA,超过92%的剂量通过尿液排泄。OLA转化为猪和肉鸡中的8种代谢物(O1-O8),鲤鱼中的4种代谢物(O1,O2,O4和O7)和大鼠中的9种代谢物(O1-O9)。O2是四种物种可食组织中的主要残留物,在肾脏中持续时间最长,半衰期最长,为3.52–4.6 d。双脱氧喹啉(O2)被指定为MR,肾脏被认为是食品生产动物中OLA的目标组织。监测这种代谢产物将改善食品安全性评估和该药物的残留控制。