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Synthesis of Fully Bio-based Diepoxy Monomer with Dicyclo Diacetal for High-performance, Readily Degradable Thermosets
European Polymer Journal ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.05.028
Wangchao Yuan , Songqi Ma , Sheng Wang , Qiong Li , Binbo Wang , Xiwei Xu , Kaifeng Huang , Jing Chen , Shusen You , Jin Zhu

Abstract Thermosets are very versatile owing to their high dimensional stability, chemical resistance and thermal and mechanical properties; however, they are difficult to be recycled or reworked because of their permanent cross-linked structure. In this paper, we synthesized a novel fully bio-based diepoxy monomer via acetalization of lignin derivative vanillin with bio-based polyol erythritol followed by reacting with bio-derived epichlorohydrin. Due to the degradability of dicyclo diacetal structure in the diepoxy monomer, the cross-linked epoxy network could be readily decomposed (completely dissolved in 1 M HCl solution at 50 °C within 40 min). While it was stable under neutral and basic conditions even during hot-humid aging test. Meanwhile, due to the rigidity of the dicyclo diacetal structure, it showed high glass transition temperature of 184 °C, and its modulus (4.7 GPa) and hardness (0.30 GPa) are even higher than those of conventional bisphenol A epoxy resin.



摘要 热固性塑料因其高尺寸稳定性、耐化学性以及热和机械性能而用途广泛。然而,由于它们的永久性交联结构,它们很难回收或返工。在本文中,我们通过木质素衍生物香草醛与生物基多元醇赤藓糖醇的缩醛化,然后与生物衍生的环氧氯丙烷反应,合成了一种新型的全生物基双环氧单体。由于双环氧单体中双环二缩醛结构的可降解性,交联的环氧网络很容易分解(在 50°C 下在 40 分钟内完全溶解在 1 M HCl 溶液中)。在中性和碱性条件下,即使在湿热老化试验中也很稳定。同时,由于双环二缩醛结构的刚性,