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BCL2 Amplicon Loss and Transcriptional Remodeling Drives ABT-199 Resistance in B Cell Lymphoma Models.
Cancer Cell ( IF 48.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2019.04.005
Xiaohong Zhao 1 , Yuan Ren 1 , Matthew Lawlor 2 , Bijal D Shah 3 , Paul M C Park 2 , Tint Lwin 1 , Xuefeng Wang 4 , Kenian Liu 5 , Michelle Wang 1 , Jing Gao 1 , Tao Li 6 , Mousheng Xu 2 , Ariosto S Silva 7 , Kaplan Lee 8 , Tinghu Zhang 2 , John M Koomen 9 , Huijuan Jiang 10 , Praneeth R Sudalagunta 7 , Mark B Meads 1 , Fengdong Cheng 11 , Chengfeng Bi 12 , Kai Fu 12 , Huitao Fan 13 , William S Dalton 3 , Lynn C Moscinski 5 , Kenneth H Shain 3 , Eduardo M Sotomayor 11 , Gang Greg Wang 13 , Nathanael S Gray 14 , John L Cleveland 15 , Jun Qi 16 , Jianguo Tao 17

Drug-tolerant "persister" tumor cells underlie emergence of drug-resistant clones and contribute to relapse and disease progression. Here we report that resistance to the BCL-2 targeting drug ABT-199 in models of mantle cell lymphoma and double-hit lymphoma evolves from outgrowth of persister clones displaying loss of 18q21 amplicons that harbor BCL2. Further, persister status is generated via adaptive super-enhancer remodeling that reprograms transcription and offers opportunities for overcoming ABT-199 resistance. Notably, pharmacoproteomic and pharmacogenomic screens revealed that persisters are vulnerable to inhibition of the transcriptional machinery and especially to inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (CDK7), which is essential for the transcriptional reprogramming that drives and sustains ABT-199 resistance. Thus, transcription-targeting agents offer new approaches to disable drug resistance in B-cell lymphomas.


